(20 Years later...)
Back row (L to R): Stan Pixlar, Bob Nelisse, Dan (Hill) Hare,
Scott Babbo, Mike McCahan, Keith Foxx, Kevan Steltzer, Steve Podnar, Gordon
Row Three (L to R): Andy Monroe, Bill Potts, Fritz Zoller,
Joe Reiter, George Locher, Mike Spurr, Mark Jordan, June Tveekrem.
Row Two (L to R): Kevin Camper, Sue Monbarren, Martha
Jordan, Deeann Hahn, Becky Mancino, Crystal Bellman, Tammy Jarvis, Mary
Stein, Chris Baker, Becky Martin, Laura Krieger, Cindy Scrattish.
Front Row (L to R): Sue Poulos, Sue Maxwell, Denise Sekel,
Mary Gauer, Kathy Bacon, Lori Augustine, Michele Adkins, Shawn Wellock,
Luwona Dascoli, Mike Pelfry, John Durkin.
Thanks to Marty Harris for e-mailing this picture to me, and
to Cindy Begert for helping identify all the people!
Hail to thee, our Alma Mater,
True we'll always be.
Praise thy name with rev'rent voices
For each memory.
For our high school raise your voices,
Speed them on the gale!
Ever stand, our Alma Mater.
Coventry High, all hail!
Has it really been 20 years since we sang this refrain together?
Where does time go? I regret that I could not attend our 20-year
reunion. I'm sure those who were there had a wonderful time reliving
old memories.
As I grow older, I look back on my days at Coventry with increasing
fondness. I am beginning to realize just how precious those times
and those friends were. I truly feel our class had "something special."
With that in mind, I wanted to create a "niche" on the World Wide Web for
our class to keep in touch -- sort of an online "yearbook" and "meeting
place" all in one. My goal is to create a fun, informative place
where we can "gather," even though busy lives and distance keep us apart.
You will notice there are areas for reunion photos as
well as a photo album for pictures classmates might want
to share with the class. Instructions for submitting pictures to
the site are included on the appropriate pages. There will also be
a class directory, complete with a form for submitting your
information to the directory. The "Bulletin Board"
is an area for you to post tidbits of news to share (births, adoptions,
deaths, marriages, promotions, etc.). Finally, "Hometown Links"
will be a collection of links to sites pertinent to the Akron/Portage Lakes
I hope each of you will enjoy this site as much as I have enjoyed
putting it together. You are a very special group of people, and
I will never forget the fun (and even the not-so-fun!) times we shared.
To quote Bob Hope, "Thanks for the memories!"
--Roberta "Bobbi" (Kastner) Florence
Since September 4, 1998
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Last updated: May 16, 1999