year 2000 marks exciting times and changes for the BoXer. It's
akin to a new page or chapter in the
of BoXer".
January this year Blittersoft kept true to their promise by providing
more pictures of the BoXer board. And they delivered with a new
graphic of the next prototype. They also reconfirmed their commitment
to the BoXers delivery. This was all very encouraging news to
prospective BoXer owners. But little consolation to those who
had pre-orded systems and are still waiting. To date I still receive
many emails from disgruntled people who are still waiting.
But then on the flip side more and more people are interested
in the board and what the BoXer can offer them.
Louis. April 2000, showed the Amiga community that the BoXer is
still with us and even more so.
recently reached an agreement with Blittersoft and Mick Tinker
(Access Innovation) whereas AntiGravity have purchased all of
the intellectual property rights as well as the world-wide manufacturing,
distribution and sales rights of the BoXeR.
Either they see future potential or the BoXer was under threat
of vapourwaring away into non-existance and AntiGravity needed
to salvage what they had invested. Well, we may probably never
know but in the meantime atleast the BoXer is back - and its BAD!
(in a good way - end cliché)
as to when and where .....? BoXers
will be built in California, by Anti-Gravity either in Los Angeles
or Palmdale.
"Two additional engineers have been
hired to complete the AGA compatibility aspects of an all-in-one
chip to be known as Hombre (TM)." Now where have we heard that
name before?
Final development and testing of
the board are underway. A list price of $1895 USD was posted.
When, I personally thing we will
some announcements soon but June/July is my educated guess.
Now for
some more exciting news ! "BoXeR
received some very good "promises" of support from AI at the show"
(St.Louis 2000)
Either way lets hope that the BoXer
is released soon and gets justly deserved support from AI it needs.
AGP Versus
never ending argument. Sort of reminiscent when the BoXer only
featured ISA and Zorro and people were lamenting over PCI. Now
we have PCI and people still aren't overly happy with the lack
of AGP support. Well I personally agree but for the moment we
need the BoXer now. Would you prefer to wait for more development
time and perchance to raise in the overall costs just for the
addition of AGP. I think not!
AGP could be a future concern for
a future upgrade or revision - say the BoXer II.
For the moment lets get support for
PCI and get a wealth of drivers behind us. It's not like there
are a lack of PCI gfx cards. Ok so AGP sales are higher but for
those doom gloom sayers - Voodoo5 will come in PCI aswell as a
host of other cards from manufacturers. Plus what with the new
PCI-X on the horizon, it's not over for PCI by a long shot! With
the advent of POP boards I'm confident we will see a resurge in
the PCI card market again.
(Universal Serial Bus) Is
still an uncertainty. While the BoXer has sockets on the board,
no guarantee has been made to adding it on the final production
board. Personally I think it will be added but no software supoprt
will be provided. The BoXer boys are stating they have no real
intentions for providing software support. But will consider other
vendors taking an interest.
I say, let the third party vendors
take up the challenge for software support and drivers. So long
as the hardware is there it offers the BoXer owner a chance to
own and run hardware never before made available. It is widely
known that several companies are working on both Zorro USB cards
and ones suitable fro the A1200. This is where the community should
show a concerted effort and work together - lets not have another
multi standards fiasco like the PPC.
So long as some sort of DDk (Developer
Driver Kit) is available then there are many will bedroom programmers
to companies offering to write drivers, just like the case with
So what
of the future of the BoXer ? We
live in interesting times and things are about to heat up thanks
to TAO and Amiga Corp. So where will the BoXer fit into this equation?
For now the BoXer must be delivered and soon. Very soon! Money
must be recouped on sales as Im sure both Mick Tinker and Blittersoft
aswell as AntiGravity have invested a great deal of time, energy,
resources and money into this project. BUT. The public is where
the greater concern lies. People have waited far too long for
this product. Potential sales have most certainly been lost. The
reasons for delays of this product have been many and varied
of the years but now the timing is right.
For the
BoXer to survive in its current incarnation it must be made available
asap and at a reasonable cost. Not only must systems be sold but
also bare motherboards be available to those who want them. Software
support or driver construction material is a must. Many a programmer
and company have emailed and offered support. We don't want PCI
to become like the PPC was in the old days. What's the point of
having PCI if we can only use a handful of cards. The support
is being offered from the community - only AnitGravity and Access
have to take it up
In the not so distant future we will
surely see newer systems and boards from other 3rd party vendors
- all stamped with the all too familiar "Powered by Amiga" and
that eye catching Boing Ball. The BoXer will have to compete with
market share. And this is where more features will be the key
(alongside price) to the BoXers eventual survival. Fair enough,
the BoXer could be said to be that next system we've always wanted
or that STOP-GAP or BRIDGE type system. But why not take it that
one step further. I'm sure now that AntiGarvity have taken over,
that they are keeping this in mind. To extend the life of the
BoXer we will have to see things like AGP, perhaps a variety of
expansion Processor cards. Not only PPC, but why not Intel, AMD,
Strongarm etc. Software support? That's TAO for you then!
Simple. Just take a look at the spec's of the upcoming POP boards,
and i'm sure the next gen machine will come with some amazing
spec's if the Developers box is anything to go by. So for the
BoXer to compete it will have to have some of these features -
and more! The
BoXer in my view has more potential and a good future - and I
for one bet AntiGravity have this in mind.
Simply take a look a look at the
St.Louis Show, in particular the report by RMAU.
Boxer is a unit which uses a proprietary graphics chip of Mick
Tinker's design. This chip is capable of emulating all AGA graphics
modes, as well as producing some enhanced modes of it's own. Consequently,
the Boxer is one solution to the crisis of no longer being able
to produce the AGA chipset. Since the Boxer will be capable of
PPC acceleration, it should be able to run both the Amiga Classic
OS and the new Amiga OS.
McEwen also pointed out, however,
that the Boxer is just the first project with Anti Gravity Products
that Amiga is interested in. The relationship with Anti Gravity
is a long term relationship. It is anticipated that Anti Gravity
Product will be producing machines capable of running the new
Amiga OS for some time to come. So, Anti Gravity will be at least
one manufacturer that the Amiga enthusiast can turn to for a purely
Amiga box. Dan from Anti Gravity then gave a very short speech
describing the status of the Boxer project, which appears to be
entering final test. "