My Pop is a Volunteer Firefighter in New Hope, Pennsylvania.
I am a 6 year old female, LapaLuxury pooch and I have a
First Prize Trophy for being the best Dalmatian Wannabe
at a fire show from the summer of 1998!
My other names are Princess Fuzzybutt, Pooker, Pooks,
Shmooky Poo, Fur Angel, Fur Baby & Monkey Face.
My full name is really "Pooky Judd"
because mom never got over the break-up of the Judd's.
You know, the mother - daughter country singing duo?
My Mom also made this Dalmatian costume for me. She loves me very
much you know. Most people giggle when I wear my costume.
One lady laughed so hard and for so long, Mom had to give her tissues.
But I think I'm pretty cute'n cool so I strut my spots with pride!
Because I am cute!
Oh, and because it is so important to be a responsible pet owner
that mom wanted a place to help furbaby lovers to find neat
animal resources for the whole family to enjoy.
Pooky's Page is dedicated to all the Search & Rescue Dogs,
Police K-9's, Service & Working Dogs & all the sweet Fur Angels
lost & in need of love, shelter & humanity.

It is so important to Spay or Neuter your dog or cat.
Don't let more adorable babies be destroyed
because they were unwanted.
They ask so little of us, yet love us so much ...
Can't we care for them with the gift of responsibility,
our humanity and our love? They give so much back
to our spirit our well being and our families.