Cake is Happy!

Der Bleistift is an all-inclusive forum for anything but hate. We may include such things as stories, poems, pictures, reviews, rants and dot-to-dots. If you would like to receive a copy, send stamps to the address below. You will receive issues until the postage runs out. If you would like to submit to der Bleistift, and we know you like to submit, also use the address below. Submissions will not be returned. At this point we are not paying contributors, but know that your work will be edited minimally, if at all. Include a statement acknowledging that this is your own work. Finally, if you have a zine, book, tape, etc. you'd like us to review, send it in, we'd love to see it.

der Bleistift 785/E2 Oak Grove #303 Concord, CA 94518

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