There is a story associated with Cursillo that explains the term “DeColores”.  A group of Spanish Laymen returning from their Cursillo weekend were stopped along the road while repairs were being made to their bus.  They saw a rooster, a hen, and her chicks nearby.  They passed the time by making up a simple song about God’s love.


They saw the many iridescent colors in the rooster’s tail and neck feathers as symbolic of the many ways God loves us...and so, they sang of the many colors in all the natural beauty that is part of God’s creation...part of the promise of His love.


So, the term De Colores has become an instant identification for all Cursillistas.


The greeting De Colores is more than that. God sent His Son into the world as a light, and that light shines on each one of us. Since we are different and individual, that light of Jesus shines in many ways. Together, all of our many colors of light make up one family fo God.


When we look at a rainbow, we never criticize it...wanting more on one color or less of another. We accept it for the beautiful wonder that it is. And so, by saying De Colores, we are saying, “Yes, I see the light of Christ in you and even though it is a different color than my light, we are still part of the same rainbow.”


De Colores!

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Why We Greet with DeColores

European Cursillo



Spiritual Director

Fr. Phil



Joe O’Neil


Vice President:

Steven Mossel



Michael Riley



Andree Ruggeri


