Shooting Star's

Those Shooting Star's We See On High.
Are Little Angel's Who Have Learned To Fly.
Their Little Body's We've Laid To Rest
In Our Heart's Remain Their soul's
Till Its Our Time To Rest
When Our Star Is Shinning Bright
Our Angel's Rush To Meet Us At Heaven's Gate.

Together We'll Walk The Cloud's
We Will Be As We Once Were
Never To Be Apart Again!

A Dog's Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep.
My Master has my soul to keep!
By the bridge i shall wait.My soul then back ill take.
My Master shall come and give it back to me.and together forever after we will be.
We will pass into the gates of heaven and our time apart will never have been because were together again.

This Page Designed and written by Jenlynn
6/8/99 all rights reserved