Log from Lesson Six

*** Log file opened: 8/31/97 12:00:58
QuietWaters - Well...might as well get started
QuietWaters - An it harm none, do what you will
QuietWaters - That is today's lesson.
QuietWaters - For those of you who may not have read the lesson in advance, here's a brief look at it:
QuietWaters - From A Witches' s Bible by Janet and Stewart Farrar:
QuietWaters - "If you deliberately set out to develop your psychic abilities you are awakening a faculty by which you can influence other people, with or without their knowledge; a faculty by which you can obtain information in ways that they do not expect or allow for; a faculty by which you can either enhance their life-energy or sap it. By which you can help them or harm them.
QuietWaters - Obviously, you are taking a great responsibility on yourself and this responsibility calls for a set of willingly accepted rules....All these rules are summed up in the phrase: 'An it harm none.'
QuietWaters - Does anyone have any comments or questions about this lesson?
Ravendancer - not I
SevenEagle will say something
Stardancer - tis a good rule and one easily lived with
QuietWaters - ok Eagle
SevenEagle - there is a need for a rule such as this....
SevenEagle - what happens in the spirit world, or the breaking of the rules, sometimes can take along time to catch up with someone
SevenEagle - or it can be very quick, usually I see that people get away with harming for some time
Brandy nods and is back by the way
Ravendancer - wb B
QuietWaters - It does seem to catch up eventually.
Ravendancer - k I lied I do have a comment
QuietWaters - ok Ravendancer
Ravendancer - while there are a lot of karmic issues brought up here, the Rede denies the fact that sometimes harm is necessary for the Highest good of all concerned.
Ravendancer - for instance, a drug addict will feel a lot of pain before s/he's cured.
Ravendancer - does this bring on bad karma for the one who broke her/him?
Ravendancer steps off the soapbox
Stardancer - I think this one simple rule does almost everything in separating us from what most people refer to as 'witchcraft', no harm, no darkness, no evil associated
Brandy has a comment to that
mh raises her hand
QuietWaters - It doesn't mean that you leave yourself open to attack or that harm isn't necessary.
QuietWaters - Go ahead Brandy
Brandy - ok, in your question you brought up two points RD
Brandy - one the individual was harming themselves
QuietWaters - MM childlike. We're having a class now. You're welcome to join us.
Brandy - two by helping them you inadvertently would harm them in the beginning
Brandy - I say this
SevenEagle thinks harm none doesn't really mean pain, it means to have negative spiritual effect on them
Brandy - if the individual truly wishes the help in the first place the small harm done outweighs the loss of their life which would occur in the long run. Also it is only through pain sometimes that we as individuals can grow
Brandy - this does not mean we should break the rede
Ravendancer - agreed Brandy
Ravendancer - simply bend it....?
QuietWaters - mh...you had a comment?
Brandy - we should in all things weigh our own consciousness against the consequences of our actions
Brandy - for every action there is a reaction
mh - yes, when Brandy is done
Brandy - and I believe the God/dess know what we truly have in our hearts
Brandy is now finished
mh - thanks
mh - yes, I feel that pain is very useful as a signal and I have seen that in life
mh - I think the judgment is - should *we* intentionally inflict pain
Brandy - never
mh - if someone is in danger due to an illness and needs to be hospitalized but perceives hospitalization as the worst kind of pain, should we still have them hospitalized?
mh - Or in the case of parents whose children are acting out in addiction
Ravendancer - ooo good question
Brandy - yes
Brandy - a very good question
mh - by not giving into their requests for money, shelter, etc, in the short run, they are 'harming them'
mh - but there is a long term goal involved
mh - how does Wicca handle that?
mh - fin -
Ravendancer - well put
mh - I'd be interested in hearing from all those who wish to respond
Stardancer would respond
QuietWaters - Go ahead, Star.
Stardancer - if we make sure that there is nothing in our own lives that can be returned back to us, by doing something like mh is talking about....
Stardancer - we can in good conscience do what is right in each circumstance to help out...
Stardancer - we need to be sure to ask for guidance and are SURE of what we are doing.
mh - who do we ask?
Stardancer - God/dess, guides
Brandy has a comment also
Stardancer - ourselves
Stardancer - go ahead Brandy
Brandy - ok we have to remember that each and every situation is unique onto itself
Brandy - this means that we must always strive to do what we feel or are lead to do but we must also always keep mind the rede
Stardancer - agree
Ravendancer - agreed
Brandy - sometimes trying to follow what you are lead to do may seem to be in violation of the rede
Brandy - but in the long run if you do what you are lead to do after meditating on it and following the direction you are lead to go it turns out to be the best
Brandy - we may not see the results or understand the long run of things
mh has another comment
Brandy - that is why we should seek out our guides the God/dess and meditate when faced with such a situation
Brandy - to be sure we do what is right not what we think is right
Brandy - I hope that helped
Stardancer - I agree, and to make sure that we have nothing that the 3 fold law can come back to us on
mh - well, what if we have not yet developed a communication with god/ess and guides?
mh - The decisions still need to be made in the meantime
SevenEagle - do what is in your heart
Brandy nods having had the consequences of breaking the rede come on her before
Brandy - ok mh
Brandy - if you can do something and not feel guilt or indecision about it
Brandy - that is probably the best action
Brandy doesn't like the way she said that but hopes you understand what she means
Stardancer knows
mh - sorry to be the spoiler
Stardancer - want a for instance?
mh - but many times, decisions have to be made in haste
mh - and are not 100%
mh - correct
Stardancer - yes and we live with what happens
Stardancer - and learn :)
Brandy - yep
Stardancer - makes us more aware next time
Ravendancer - agreed Star
Brandy - I would like to hear star's for instance
mh - let's hope there's not a next time :)
Stardancer - ok......
Stardancer - my daughters boyfriend is in jail at the moment, been there since end of June....
Stardancer - she asked me to help put him there, because at the time she was mad at him....
Stardancer - her reasons were not the best, but he was hiding from a warrant.....
Stardancer - I thought hard about it and decided to help her, not for her reasons, but because he had his 'debt to pay'
Stardancer - I also thought that he could certainly use the time...
Stardancer - to try to get himself straightened out....
Stardancer - now, I had nothing to do with the charges brought against him....
Stardancer - and I saw no reason he couldn't pay by being in jail for what he had done....
Stardancer - but, he told her to remind me of the 3 fold law....
Stardancer - my conscience is clear because I have no charges of such against me.
Stardancer - It still was a hard thing to do.
Stardancer - and they are working out their problems.
Brandy listens
Stardancer - any comments? what would you have done keeping in mind the rede?
SevenEagle - and will probably be married
mh - I see a conflict
mh - there were two needs there
Brandy - actually I see four needs
Stardancer - what, mh?
mh - one for 'paying a debt' and the other for straightening himself out
Ravendancer - by being the executor of karma, do you bring bad karma or good karma back to you?
mh - Jail is obviously not the best place to get one's act together
mh - and I'm not clear if it's the best place for retribution either
Stardancer - for sure mh
mh - were there other options at the time?
Stardancer - no, he was being hunted by the law
Stardancer - we just told them where he could be found
mh - he had no desire to 'rehabilitate' himself?
Brandy - I on the other hand agree with her decision
SevenEagle - let him stay on his destructive path, hiding from the law, and still doing more wrong to get away from his actions he already had taken
Stardancer - he wanted to but was scared
mh - I can't agree or disagree until i have more information
mh - so if he was still on the destructive path, then he had to be stopped
SevenEagle - agreed
Stardancer - better in jail than dead in the streets
childlike - question
mh - I'm sure you made the best decision under the circumstances
Stardancer - ok childlike
SevenEagle - yes childlike?
mh - with limited time
Stardancer - I tried
childlike - stardancer , so the decision to turn him in was made with love/compassion/ and a desire to help?
childlike - in the long run
Stardancer - on my part, but not my daughters at the time
Stardancer - she has to live with her own decision
childlike - yes
childlike - thankyou
Stardancer - and he has 'forgiven' her
Stardancer - one part I left out.... that helped me in MY decision....
Stardancer - he was given a chance by a judge to not go to jail and make something of himself....
Stardancer - and he still chose to lie and not do what he was asked.
Ravendancer - again, by being the executor of karma, do you bring bad karma or good karma back to you?
Stardancer - I had no remorse in my decision.
Brandy - that depends RD
Stardancer - yep depends
childlike - how so
Ravendancer - on...?
Stardancer - should something awful happen to him in jail, I will feel terrible
Brandy - how you execute the karma and for what reason
SevenEagle - in the sense that this was a clearing of depths and putting on a better path, good karma would follow
Brandy - I have a for instance if you wish to hear it
childlike - please
Stardancer - ok Brandy
QuietWaters - ok Brandy
Brandy - ok I did not always follow the rede
Brandy - let me state that now
Stardancer - hmmmmm
Brandy - I was in the service and was confronted by a roommate who was destroying my stuff
Brandy - now I could have gone to the squad leader and asked to be moved to a different room
Brandy - that would have been in keeping with the rede
Brandy - however since I at the time did not follow it I did this instead
Brandy - I hexed her
Stardancer - uh oh
Ravendancer - ouch
Brandy - she ended up in the psychiatric ward after attempting to commit suicide
Stardancer - goodness
Brandy - now
childlike - :o(
Brandy - lets remember the that to forget the law is to bring things back on you 3 fold
Stardancer - yep
Brandy - four months later I ended up in a coma for 3 days
Brandy - reason: someone came up and hit me from behind
Brandy - because I had pissed them off
Brandy - I lost all my money and had a hard time for months after that
Stardancer - and what do you think of all of this now, Brandy?
Brandy - I think I was an idiot
Brandy - but enough said
Brandy - at the time I was after one thing and one thing only
Brandy - power
Brandy - but you must learn how to temper power with compassion or it means nothing
Stardancer - we learn many things the hard way
Stardancer - AGREE
Stardancer - :)
QuietWaters - agree
Ravendancer - agreed to both
Brandy - and Love is the greatest power there is
Stardancer - so true
QuietWaters - Did anyone answer the questions included with the lesson?
Brandy - that is my instance of how executing bad karma brings bad karma back to you
Stardancer - I did QW
mh - I did
Brandy - I just read it
QuietWaters - Would you like to start, Star?
Stardancer - The Law of the Power states "the power shall not be used to bring harm"
Stardancer - oh and to answer the first question....
Stardancer - the rede means, to me, that whatever I do, in ritual, everyday life I am free to do as I please as long as it harms none, myself or any other creature
Stardancer - human or not
QuietWaters - :)
QuietWaters - mh..
mh - ok, let me copy :)
QuietWaters - k
mh - It appears to me that one is able to tap a large source of power when they start
mh - accessing the wiccan practice. The rede seems to caution us to use the power
mh - for good and not to harm anyone.
Stardancer - :)
QuietWaters - I agree with you both. :) My answer would just be redundant. Would anyone else like to answer?
Brandy - ok
Brandy - the rede to me means exactly what it says. As long as I do what I want but do not harm anyone by doing such then that is ok. However in the execution of any gift/power I must weigh everything in detail to be sure I do not break the rede
Stardancer - :)
QuietWaters - :)
Ravendancer - and life becomes very complicated
QuietWaters - Second question. Why is the rede important to those practicing the Craft? And how does it apply to life in general?
QuietWaters - I think we've seen how it applies to life in general with the examples given in today's discussion.
Ravendancer - agreed Quiet
Brandy nods
Stardancer - I truly think the Rede makes us stop and think about our actions more than any other set of commandments, it makes us mindful of how and why we ask for something.
QuietWaters - I agree
mh - It is important to make sure that one does not abuse power that one accesses.
mh - That is also important in daily life too.
mh - Too bad more politicians aren't wiccan!
QuietWaters - lol!
Ravendancer - LOL
childlike - hehe
QuietWaters - How true...
Stardancer - hahaha
Brandy - I think the rede is important to the craft because without it we would all do what we wanted with no thought of how it effected others and by doing so harm ourselves in the process
Stardancer - yep
QuietWaters - Yes..
Stardancer - like shooting up a prayer 'please help me get out of debt',.....
Stardancer - then we could lose a loved one that we might happen to be beneficiary of...
Ravendancer - ack
Brandy nods
Stardancer - their policy and how terrible we would feel.
QuietWaters - yup
Brandy - you get my thoughts exactly star
Stardancer - have to really be careful
Stardancer - :)
Stardancer read The Monkeys Paw years ago :)
Ravendancer - :)
mh - :)
QuietWaters - The next question had an example...working a love spell. Anyone want to answer that?
Brandy has to read that
QuietWaters - Me too, Star.
Ravendancer - I will
QuietWaters - ok Ravendancer
Stardancer would not do a love spell with out permission and lots, lots of detail.
Ravendancer - I would not cast the spell...rather, first I would try to bring them together through mundane means...a meeting, or something.
mh - I think it would because we don't know whether or not this could result in harm
mh - to our friends or friendship.
Ravendancer - that way they have the chance to get to like each other naturally
Ravendancer - and if they don't like each other, then no harm's done, they can simply move on
Brandy - MY answer: a definitive NO, it could inadvertently harm both of the friends in the long run and if they are meant to be together then that will show in time
Stardancer - I read the story of someone doing a love spell asking for a certain man to fall in love with them and love only them...this did happen but with great complications...he was jealous and abusive if she looked at anyone else
Stardancer - he loved only her and wanted to smother her
QuietWaters - Another example of "be careful what you wish for"...hehehe.
Stardancer - for sure!
Brandy - I personally think all love spells should be destroyed
Ravendancer - and as in the example given in the movie The Craft...
Brandy - but that is my opinion
Ravendancer - where the love spell she cast ended up with the subject trying to rape her, and then finally dying
Stardancer - yep
QuietWaters - Did anyone do the exercise? It's rather simple...but has a good point to it.
Stardancer - maybe the rede should be "An it harm none, being very careful, do what you will"
Stardancer - :)
Stardancer - I did
QuietWaters - lol, Star
Brandy - heheh star
Stardancer - hahahah
mh - :)
Ravendancer - hehehe
QuietWaters - What did you think, Star?
Stardancer - I felt that as the stone I was drowning :)
Stardancer - but I understand the 'ripple' effect everything has
Ravendancer - also noting, of course, that......
QuietWaters - hehehe...you should have picked a stone that wanted to go for a swim. :)
Lionhawk - Hello all.
Ravendancer - as the ripple reached the boundaries of the pool, it began to bounce back...... ;)
Ravendancer - mm Lion
QuietWaters - Hi Lionhawk
Stardancer - we may think that we harm none but actions always have reactions
Stardancer - ahhhh good point Ravendancer
mh - A quote from Albert Schweitzer came to mind:
mh - Not one of us knows what effect his life produces, and what he gives
mh - to others; that is hidden from us and must remain so, though we are
mh - often allowed to see some little fraction of it, so that we may not
mh - lose courage. The way in which power works is a mystery.
mh - Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)
QuietWaters - :)
Stardancer - very true
Ravendancer - agreed
Brandy nods
Stardancer - you never know when someone is watching you...
Stardancer - trying to be like you.
QuietWaters - I think that's a good note to wrap this up on. Thanks for participating. Some of these topics would be good to carry over into cyberwitch. :)
Stardancer - What do you want them to see????
QuietWaters - Good point, Star :)
Stardancer - thank you QW, I just love these lessons :)
mh - excellent lesson, QW
SevenEagle - thank you QW
mh - you did a great job!
QuietWaters - The next one is already posted.
Brandy - great job QW
*** Log file closed: 8/31/97 13:07:47

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