My Friends:

Jen' Penpal page
find a penpal and visit some other peoples homepages. Jen's a great friend!
Jen's Page
My other friend Jen's homepage. Be sure to visit her pyramid of links. It's pretty cool.
Marisa's Page
Marisa's a great friend. Always there to help me out with something. Please visit her excellent homepage and sign her guestbook!
Hanna's Homey
She has a great page. Hanna has won my award and probably won many other peoples' too!
Jenni's World!
A great homepage for a beginner! Please sign her guestbook.
Briannna's Homepage
She has a lot of homepages in one, if you knoe what I mean. You'll see when you get there. Another great page.
Meggan's Homepage
A neat page. Another one of my close net pals. Please visit
Andrea's Homepage
We used to go to the same school but then she moved away. Now that she's on the net, we can talk through e-mail. A neat page that I helped with.
Vanessa's Homepage
My sister's homepage! Her new one. She'd really appreciate it if you visited it and signed her guestbook!
Oh's Place
You need a frames-capable browser but it's worth it! What a neat page.

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