Friends Are Like Angels

Our friends are like angels

who brighten our days

In all kinds of wonderful,

magical ways

Their thoughtfulness comes

as a gift from above

And we feel we're surrounded

by warm, caring love.

Like upside-down rainbows

their smiles bring the sun

And they fill ho-hum moments

with laughter and fun.

Friends are like angels

without any wings,

Blessing our lives with

the most precious things.

submitted by Judy Clark

Ms Mary,

What a Special Lady you are
and I'm so Thankful for knowing you.
Making this vast cyberworld very small
and intimate for me.
You have brought me friendship times 50,
how does one thank a person for that.
Your hard work and dedication,
for the Society is very much appreciated
and shows the loving care and touch
you have given so freely of yourself.
I wish I could place that halo
on your head to make you complete,
but know it is waiting for you
with gratitude from all your sisters,
whom you brought together in friendship.
May your next year
be the best and healthy too!
Know that each time
I click onto a Digest,
a smile comes to my heart,
thanks to you Sweet Lady..
God Bless you
and Keep you, My Friend!

LuV n'



Wish I were a poet but not,
but I think this expresses
some of what I feel...

The world is so very big, I'm just a tiny speck,

surrouned by four little walls.

It is by Chance,

or a Lucky star:

that we meet.

We meet not by Chance,

down lifes busy street.

We meet not by a Lucky star,

tho it is from space.

The place that we meet,

to put a smile on my face.

We call it cyberspace, the web,

or even the net.

This is the place,

the place that we met.

You are my friend from across,

the world this is true.

For this place called the net,

is where I met you.

If you think it's by Chance,

good friends we've become.

Well it's by Chance, Luck, and Fate,

and a click of a Thumb!!



( NanaB2 )

Dear Mary,

on your first year Anniversary.
but let me tell you the time,
I have been with Webville Ladies,
I have enjoyed immensely.
I wish you all the best;
in up coming years
Once again,
Have a great

Love & Hugs,


( SocietyLady-KK )


Best Wishes
and Happy Anniversary,
Hope you keep the list
going for many more years.

Your Sister


( Heleybear )

Dear Mary

-- Words are inadequate
to express how grateful
I personally am
for your patience and cooperation!
You've been SO patient
with your "web retardee"
and answered my every plea --
'twasn't always easy, I know,
but you did it!
You've always
been SO cooperative
in my yo-yo off and on
line problems in 1999.
My goal for 2000
is to make you proud
of my web accomplishments --
if I ever get the time!!
LOL Hang in there,
dear Frazzled Leader --
you're very important
to so many, many of us!!

Luv u


( rumtugger )

Congratulations Mary

I joined the group in the end of January.
And I Have to say .. I am Happy I did.
Mary.. Thank you
for getting Webville together.
What a wonderful place it is.
Where you find
so much Love and Caring.
Happy Anniversary Mary.

With all My Love


( Milly-316 )

Dear Mary

Thank you!

Thank you for this wonderful
group of sisters
that you are responsible for.
I joined this group, almost a year ago,
thinking to get some e-mail pen-pals,
and learn a little more
about the "net".
What I receive instead,
was a family.
I now have a wonderful
group of sisters,
and a few good friends.
As a group, these gals
uplift me, support me,
keep me company,
and keep me entertained.
And the best part is that
I have made some life-long friends.
Isn't it wonderful
how you can correspond
with faceless people
and get to know them so well.
As of now,
I have met three of you in person.
Yesterday I got to meet you!!
( I won't mention the others here,
cause this is for you-
I know they will forgive me.)
Well, from our correspondence,
both within the group, I thought that
you and I could be friends.
Then I met you face to face.
Now I know we are friends,
I'm afraid you are stuck Keep up the good work,
you have brightened many lives.      

Bobbi McGee

( bobbimc )

Especially For You

Music: The Wind Beneath My Wings

Page: by Debbie