The Kimagure Orange Road
Web Ring

The Kimagure Orange Road is a ring created for pages which are dedicated to anime and/ or Kimagure Orange Road. The purpose of this ring is to allow people and anime fans to look through a variety of anime and Macross pages with ease. Also, since there are no other Web Rings out in the World Wide Web which are dedicated to Kimagure Orange Road (that the Ring Master knows of), it was and is a good idea to have a ring just for the Kimagure fans. This ring was made possible for the anime fans by WebRing, a non- profit organization (made up of starving college- students) who just wants to help the internet community. This Ring was created in February of 1997, during winter break. If you have any questions or comments for the web- master, a.k.a. ring-master, email him HERE. If you would like to join the Kimagure Orange Road Web Ring, just continue down the page until the section for joining this ring comes up. And if you are a member of this ring, go all the way down for the members- only options.

Rules for Kimagure Orange Road Web Ring

Sorry to dissappoint but there are some basic rules which you must abide by when you become a member of Kimagure Orange Road Web Ring

The rules are as follows:
1. All pages must be related to anime in some way or form (most IMPORTANT rule).
2. No page may have pornography anywhere on it, that means no HENTAI !!!
3. No page may be discriminatory or racist in nature.
4. The HTML code fragment and image for the Kimagure Orange Road Web Ring must be shown on
the page registered with the web ring.
5. The HTML code fragment and image MUST be shown on the page just like it is shown on this page. (The only exception is when a member gets approval for a different version of the HTML fragment and/ or a different image.)
The sequence of punishment for not following these rules are as follows:
1. Each time you break a rule (that the ring master notices), you will receive a warning which will be sent to you by e-mail.
2. You are allowed three warnings, but if you continue to disobey the rules, you will be dropped from the Kimagure Orange Road Web Ring.
3. The only exceptions to the sequence above is rule #3. Anyone who has a page which is discriminatory or racist in nature is dropped immediately from the Macross Web Ring.
Note- If you are dropped from the Kimagure Orange Road Web Ring, you will recieve a notice from the ring master about your page being dropped and why it was dropped by e-mail.

Joining the Kimagure Orange Road Web Ring

To join, just fill out the form below. Please fill out the form as completely as possible. After filling out the form and submitting it to Web Ring, continue down the screen for the proper links and graphics to place on your page.

Your Site's URL:
Your Site's Title:
Your E-mail address:
Password that you would use:
Keywords of your site (Up to 20 words):
Description of your site:

Necessary Graphics and Links

Copy the following HTML code fragment and place the code anywhere in your page.
Remember to replace __your_name_here__ with your name, replace __your_email_address_here__ with your email address, and replace __site_id_here__ with your id number.

Kimagure Orange Road  Web Ring

Kimagure Orange Road Web Ring
This Kimagure Orange Road site is owned by __your_name_here__

See the next site on the ring

Skip the next site on the ring

List of the next five sites

Previous site on the ring

Go here to become part of the Kimagure Orange Road Web Ring.

If the above code fragment is placed in correctly, the code should look like this (down below).

Macross Web Ring

Kimagure Orange Road Web Ring
This Macross site is owned by __your_name_here__

See the next site on the ring 
Skip the next site on the ring 
List of the next five sites 
Previous site on the ring 

Go here to become part of the Kimagure Orange Road Web Ring

Go the options page where you can choose between an assortment
of images and a different HTML code fragment.

Members Only

Members should enter here to edit their profile information.

Site ID:

Adding a Site onto the Ring

This feature is for members only! Members: If you want to add someone from the queue to the ring, take this link. The new site which you are adding will appear after yours on the Macross Web Ring.


Add a Site from the Ring Queue

To contact the ring master for assistance in solving a problem with the Macross Web Ring, getting approval for a different image and/or HTML code fragment, and anything else, e-mail him at
If you want some memory for a web page, try Tripod!!