How to find your Star Wars Name

Your Star Wars first name is made up of the FIRST three letters of your LAST name followed by the FIRST two letters of your FIRST name. So, if your real name is Sally Scott, your Star Wars first name is Scosa.

Your Star Wars second name is made up of the FIRST two letters of you MOTHERS MAIDEN name followed by the LAST three letters of the name of THE TOWN YOU WERE BORN IN. So, if your mother's maiden name was Jones, and you were born in Boston, your Star Wars last name is Jobos.

If, when making up your Star Wars name, you get the consonants in a row, simply repeat one of the vowels in the word after some of those consonants. So, if one of your Star Wars names would be Rogsc, it becomes Rogosco. If it is Scbos, it becomes Scobos. Be creative, and may the Force be with you!