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Some Things You May Like To Know About:

Judith Durham!

Personal Information: She was born in Melbourne on 3rd July 1943, She roughly 5ft 3ins, she has brown eyes and dark brown hair.

Favourite Food and Drink: Judith used to like chops for breakfast, but over the years she has now become a vegetarian! She never leaves on tour without her Decaffeinated Tea-Bags! She also like Fruit Juices!

Miscellaneous Likes: Iced drinks, fresh air, and soft lights. "I also like fresh air and soft lights, but have yet to try Iced Drinks!"

Miscellaneous Dislikes: Dirty rings around the bath, lipstick, artificiality, and cheapness. "I don`t ware lipstick:-), but I agree with the other two!"

Musical History: She studied the piano for eleven years, as music played a major part in her life during her early years! She also plays a mean tambourine!

The thing that stands out to me most of all is her wonderful voice, and talent for writing music!

David Smith

United Kingdom