Credit Where Credit is Due!!


Here are the names of a few people who, in one way or another, helped me to finally accomplish this dream! Please visit their sites, they are

A M A Z I N G ! ...*smile*

~*§hädë§*~ Who got me started and was there to help when I needed it

Erato's Hand Who got me started in HTML and provided me with a tutorial

Bongo Who taught me how to use images as links and tables

dimebag Who explained the uploading process and offered his help as needed

BrokenHalo Who was just plain there when I was trying to fix glitches

I(\)fERnO Who made me promise that I wouldn't give up!

Colleen Who encouraged me from the beginning and taught me how to find pics and backgrounds

Candle Who has always been there to encourage and with offers of help

Wolfheart Who built a "faux" homepage for me as a joke *grin*

Marc Blefare Who I should have listened to 6 months ago when he told me to RTFM!!!

These are some of the most INCREDIBLY patient people I have ever met!!

Some of the backgrounds I used were picked up while surfing so long ago that I don't even know where I got them from! Others came from a great free site that you might want to check out! Over The Rainbow
Some of the photo backgrounds came from a wonderful "virtual gift" site called Virtual Vacation
The "cutsie" stuff and flowers came from sites that were sent to me by friends in ICQ and e-mail or as virtual gifts. (Sometimes it pays to be a cyberpackrat *grin*)
The "Myopic Utopia" title on my opening page is from a great site!! Zycom Design your own homepage graphics for free!

The Pond - the poetry of my friends
The Fire - my poetry
World of Work - links to career development sites
Myopic Utopia