oh my God, is it August already? It feels like summer just started a few days ago. Actually it feels like I went to Vancouver with Nick so long ago it doesn't even feel like that happened this summer...it seems like it happend years ago.

I feel kind of bad actually because I said I would call certain people so we could do stuff and I haven't called anybody, well except Nick. I feel really bad because it's already August and I haven't called Emily (the girl I used to write S.P.O.R.E.S. with, and my former best friend) and I said I would...I haven't even gotten her a birthday present yet (her birthday was in June). If you're reading this Emily I'll call you as soon as I get up enough motivation to want to leave the house and when I get over my newly found fear of public transportation.

Hey! I start university soon. That's pretty exciting. September 12th I think so if you want to send me good luck cards and have fun in university cards then feel free. My God! I'm finally growing up and although I often have stark realizations that I am not a child anymore each one feels just as scary and exciting as the first one.

I wonder if I got any mail today. I wonder if my father will finish photocopying S.P.O.R.E.S. #9 soon because I'm getting a little anxious. Actually this summer I'm kind of glad that I've done absolutely nothing because the past two summers I was in summer school (working ahead) for more than half of the summer and I was also working. For the past 3 summers I've actually been working so this summer was actually a really nice break from my regularily busy life. Sometimes its actually really nice to be able to sit at home and just watch television once and and a while and not have to worry about waking up early the next morning to go to school or go to work...it's really nice actually. I highly recomend you to try it, though for no longer than a few weeks or you are liable to go crazy in your newly monotonous lifestyle. It's nice to not have to go out with my friends and spend money doing stuff that I don't even remember doing in a couple weeks.

So yeah, I'm pretty excited that I start school again in a month. I'm a little scared so again if you want to write me letters with motivational words then feel free too. The summer has actually gone by incredibly quickly which I fear will be a trend for the rest of my life. Maybe after you graduate from high school time just flies like it never has before and suddenly I will be 50 and saying things like "Where did the time go?" This is the last summer I will have before I am actually an adult with adult responsibilities like having to pay off loans, doing my own taxes, paying bills etc. and I never thought it would come.

To all of you out there who are still children, revel in the in fact that you are still children. Bask in your childhood because when you grow up you will wish that you could do it all over again and go back to your parents taking care of you.