I'm such a lazy ass. I made issue #4 over a year ago, and wrote the stupid ass intro over a year ago, I made files to keep the articles in, but I never actually wrote any articles. I can be so productive sometimes, but most of the time I am such a lazt ass. Well I was too lazy to check out what the title of this should be so I think I just write about having a boyfriend, even though it's a year after I should have written down my feelings about having a boyfriend down, but ironically enough I still have the same boyfriend that I had a year ago.

Relationships take a lot of work and I never even realized that until I began going out with the boy I am dating right now. Previous relationships of mine consisted of holding hands, making out, talking on the phone once and a while, and well that was about it. Guys used me, I let them use me and at the time I thought that I liked the experiences I had with guys. Previous relationships of mine kind of sucked, a lot in comparison to the relationship I have now.

Honestly I did not think it was possible for a guy to care about me in ways more than just the physical side of a relationship. I didn't think it was possible that a guy could actually want to have a conversation with me and care about what I had to say. I honestly didn't think it was possible for a guy to be decent, not to anyone, just to me.