This is It, So make the most of it

Can I tell you a secret? Sometimes I'm scared to wake up in the morning because I don't want to face all the pain that was killing me yesterday. Sometimes I'm afraid to open my eyes because I'm so afraid that I'll be forced to see more of the horror I saw yesterday. Sometimes I'm afraid to open my mouth because I'll say something wrong like I did yesterday. It's so hard to keep going when you know that if you so choose it could end right now. I think that's incradibly scary that I have the power to control whether I want to live today or not. For some people it's too much power.

This is the only life we will get. This is the only chance we have to live it. This is it, and we don't get to do it again. We don't get to go back and revise our mistakes. There are so many mistakes. Right now I'm having this nice stabbing pain in my abdomen because I'm on my rag. The female period is such a lovely gift from God. I LOVE IT. Mmmmmm fermenting blood in a pad, gross bodily function, or handy snack? You decide.That's way off topic though. Life is an amazing thing. Think about it. None of yus really know why we are here on this planet. Do we have some sort of mission here? Are we supposed to accomplish something or another? We don't really know, all we have is speculation. Maybe I am here to save the Earth, or maybe that's why you are here. The cool thing is we have the power to decide that. I can decide what my mission will be, someone was good enough to give me that power, me being a good Catholic girl I think it was God.

It really pisses me off when people just go and kill themselves. They wasted their life. I don't care if they were depressed, or blah blah blah something other sob story. Honestly how selfish would you have to be to just suddeny; decide that you are not needed in this world anymore, especially if you have loved ones, or peopel that care about you. Without warning, or sometimes with warning this person is dead, gone, never coming back. Fuck I do not understand how someone can just kill themself without trying to get help, without trying to fix whatever is wrong, without think about everyone who will miss them. Suicide, it's something I pondered briefly when I was in junior high, thank god i decided against it.

Life is a wonderful thing. We only get one chance to live. We only get one chance to do everything we hoped to accomplish so make the msot of it today, because you may not be here tomarrow.

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