The Job Hunt

SO this is it. I'm out of high school, I'm off to University and I've just recently left my wonderful job at the library. I fined myself suddenly in a position where I actually need thousands of dollars to pay for my education and suddenly I am without a source of income. The moment I have been dreading since I was hired in my 18 and under position at the library when I was 14 is now right in my face. I actually have to search for a new job.

Oh my God, where am I going to work? I don't think any place other than a music store or vintage clothing store will be as tolerant of my less than mainstream look as the library. I'm scared to go out and hit that pavement looking for job prospects because I know this time I will have to change the way I do my hair the piercings I wear, and possibly give up the dreams of tattoos I want to get when I turn 18. I don't want to change my outward appearance for a job and I would like to think that I have so much integrity that I will not take the job unless they accept my for me...but I also neeed money. Paradox.

I never thought this day would come. When I was in grade 9 graduation seemed so far away, like it would never happen...but now it's come and gone. I really do hate change. To tell you the truth I never even really wanted my job at the library, I was just bored a lot so I thought having a job would give me something productive to do, and I guess it has because now I do have 3.5 years of experience in a (for lack of better words) government job. It is incredibly wierd sitting here and thinking "WoW! Right now I actually NEED a job".

Tomorrow I shall begin my search for the perfect job. I have been given many suggestions as to where I should apply; Co-op, HMV, Eatons, Chapters, Cineplex Odeon etc. obviously the people who suggested these jobs failed to notice that I am not exactly a supermarket, or Department store type person. Oh! I do not want to have black hair and take out 11 of my earings every day. I do not want to wear a uniform and a name tag. Argh! It's so frustrating. If you live in the Calgary area and know of a job that would be good for me please email me

I've actually been having dreams the past week since I've resigned from the library that I've mistakenly gone back to work and realized that I no longer worked there. The library will probably continue to haunt me forever. By the way, the library is an excellent place to work because they are very tolerant of different hair colors, facial pierciing (as long as it is not excessive) and clothing. Looking back, even though I would bitch about working there I now realize I actually liked putting away books and not having to deal with any customers. Funny how you realize these things after the fact. Well, I guess I should start looking through those classifieds.

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