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"Ye who enter are ye who are welcome"

Welcome! Enter and be merry! I hope that you will enjoy yourself in exploring this webpage.

This webpage is dedicated to the people who made a mark on my life.
Be they family, friends and organizations. You truly have honored me by being there for me.
Greetings and Salutations to you all!!!

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The Archangel


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by the presence of those who are welcome times.

Counter reset on July 14, 1997
Reading 576 hits!!!

Me, Myself and I
That person that they call you, in this case it's me
The Organizations I joined
Groups that made an impact in my life, groups that made me better
Dane's Favorite Sports Pages
Check out the pages I never fail to keep in touch with..Sports
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Check out these sites for free e-mail, you won't regret it!!!

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The Archangel Dain.

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