
it holds the key
to life itself.
It unlocks 
every door,
opening new days,
new things,
we will share forever....

it will end
all to soon.
Leaving us
with unfinished days,
unfinished loves.
But it will unlock
to us
We will share 

I'm Sorry

Sweet Love,
forgive me for
all I said and did.
There was no purpose
for the fight I thought
I'd won.
It wasn't
worth the pain
my heart suffered through
during the few days that
I tried not loving you.

This Many Have Enjoyed Poems Here

The Stranger and I

In the mirror
I saw....
An Image of someone I call myself.
How distant the eyes.
So familiar,yet so new was this person.

In the mirror
was a stramger named myself,
A bundle of hopes,
wishes and new ideas,
package in a stranger called myself.
I reached out.
The stranger in the mirror reached out.
And the stranger and I became one with eachother.

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