My Time Has Passed

All the days I thought
could never end are gone.
All the days that
seemed so far away have passed.
All the loves I thought 
would last forever
have died.

So many happy moments
are now happy memories
I still have tomorrow.

To You My Husband

We love eachother
not only for what we are,
when we are together.

We love one another
not for what
we made of eachother.
But for what
each is making the other.

We love one another
for the part of us
that we bring out;
We love one another
for putting our hands
into our heaped up hearts
and passing over
all the foolish,weak things.
Neither can help
dimly seeing there
and for drawing out
into the light
all the beautiful belongings
that no one else had looked
quite far enough to find.

We love eachother because,we......

Are helping each to make
of the lumber of our life
not a tavern
but a temple;
Out of the works
of every day
not a reproach
but a song

We love one another
because we have done
more thatn any creed
could have done
to make us good
and more than any fate
could have done
to make us happy.

We have done it
without a touch,
with out aword,
without a sign.
We have done it
pehaps that is what
Being in love means after all.................

To you my love My Husband

A Wedding

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