What's New

February 2, 1998. Ok Im sorry for the lack of updates, I have been busy lately, and Im getting ready for my new army, The Necrons, A new race in Warhammer 40k, Im real happy! If anyone else is planning on collecting this new race, mail me and we can talk bout the Necrons.

November 16, 1997. wow its been awhile! Ive been hard at work on mY space wolves site,and soon My GorkaMorka site! Coming to this site I'm gonna add pictures of my Minitures, so be on da look out!

October 14, 1997. Well I think it is time for a news update, howz bout u? Well first of all, I added a small Tyranid tips section, based on my experiance's with the army. I need HELP WITH DOING CHOAS AND ORK SECTIONS!

September 27, 1997. Ok only a couple of days till I get my stuff, soon there will be a chat room, and a guestbook. Cyas then :)

September 23, 1997 Ok sup everyone? can someone tell me why u can click on everything on my page Like by the page counter, u can click on everything, why? anyone?

September 18, 1997. its me again, any one know y my page counter went back down to one??

September 18, 1997. Well today I added this section, and I have sent the check out to tripod. soon this site will have a chat room, guest book, and more tips and stuff like that. Till then feel free to mail me with suggestions at: dlm@megalink.net

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Go to my Tyranid section.

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All Images and pictures on my page are registered trademarks of Games Workshop My site is a fan based site and is in no way sponsered by Games Wokshop.

The Imperial news has been read times.