No Peace, No Hijinks

This site and its contents, except that which promotes peace and opposes war, are suspended until George W. Bush decides to STFU. I sincerely apologize to those of you who have come here looking for art, information, or entertainment, but at times like these I feel we must each do what we can and, in the words of W. H. Auden, "All I have is a voice to undo the folded lie." If you desperately need some technical info for an art project or the like, feel free to e-mail me at daredevil_30 at yahoo dot com and I will see what I can do.

NOTE: I am no longer actively updating this site. I am trying to focus most of my pro-peace/anti-war energy toward my new online graphic novel Shinkanzeon: The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel.

Thanks for visiting.

And vote!

Original Pieces, Commentary, and other Non-Official Versions of the Truth
US casualties and Bush fundraising Priorities, anyone?
Bushocchio Did he lie?
The MOABeatitudes The Good News According to Jesus W. Christ
When the Right is WrongWARNING: Graphic images of injured civilians.
The Coalition of the Willful Is this what multilateralism looks like?
War: The Logical Choice So simple, its scary.
A Hypothetical Speech by George W. Bush Different war, same rhetoric.
My Super-Patriotic Flag I did this for the Afghanistan War but it's sadly still relevant.
My new graphic narrative Still in very early development stage. WARNING: very large images.
Wear some peace! Free signs/graphics and shirts, mugs, stickers at cost from
Who Would Jesus Kill? A bit of a rant.

More Wisdom Than I Can Muster
Lt. Gov. of Texas Ben Barnes on how he helped George W. Bush avoid Vietnam
Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen
The War Prayer A classic by Mark Twain
Non-Official Wisdom Pro-peace quotes

News from the Front Lines of Peace
Downtown Oakland Peace Rally March 20, 2003
Oakland Candlelight Vigil March 16, 2003

Peace Links
Iraq Coalition Casualty Count
Ed Stephan's very informative graph of the above data My friend Cassidy's site Great organization!
This Modern World Tom Tomorrow's brilliant blog.
Get Your War On Brilliant.
Iraq Casualty statistics at
Wounded American personnel A running log at the Memory Hole.
Bush Approval ratings by Pollkatz.

Fun with Google
miserable failure

Copyright © 2003 Clownland Enterprises, Inc.

Who says I am not open to opposing viewpoints?