Friends Of Kane!

To mail the mistress of this site, click my mailbox Want to leave this page? to the entrace page

Hi, friends of the 'Big Red Machine'. As you might know from my Dark Moon Site (The Lord's Empire Of Darkness), I'm running a web site of contents, which are exclusively dedicated to the Undertaker and Kane is only mentioned, if it has somehow to do with the Phenom or in the news section. But the Undertaker has many fans who are almost as fascinated of Kane as of the man himself and therefore I'd like to publish the following items which may be useful for anybody who run a web site about Kane or wrestling in general.

I can offer you the whole set of letters of the following, mostly animated gifs. You'd only have to mail me what you need and I'll send it to you. The big letters are also in the animated version availiable

animated fire animated fire KANE entrance theme
click the link to listen or download the MIDI of Kane's entrance theme.

letter 'K', non anim letter 'A', non anim letter 'N', non anim letter 'E', non anim
All letters of the alphabet, numerals and also animated availiable!

blood, divider, non anim

letter K, small letter A, small letter N, small letter E, small

enter button e-mail button button, small welcome button, small

blood, divider, animated

animated divider, flame

button home button links button next button search

butt world wide links

butt-fire hot links button WOW email, animated butt-fire what hot

button back button chat button mail button enter

arrow left arrow down arrow right arrow up

home button back button personal button links button

Kane picture

search button sign guestbook view guestbook top of the page button
Also the buttons are in different versins availiable, e.g. more black or red and the letters bold or in other fonts (but of this kind of style).

bar, chain

go, small animated next button e-mail button burning counter go, animated
You can get the counter in red or black and animated too

animated fireline

animated fire animated fire my mailbox aka the wolves cave
Mail me for the whole set of
letters, numbers or if any questions occure.