
Afer Ventus is a song about the future of our lives and how each person leads a unique life. We all have special qualities that make us who we are, so too do our lives. We have dreams of the future, and there is no who has those exact same dreams. We want so many things, but it is what we individually want that makes us each a different diamond. You are special, be proud of it.

Mare Nubium. Umbriel.
Mare Imbrium. Ariel.
Et itur ad astra.
Et itur ad astra.
Mare Undarum. Io. Vela.

Mirabile dictu. Mirabilia.
Mirabile visu. Mirabilia.
Et itur ad astra.
Et itur ad astra.
Sempervirent. Rosetum.

Afer Ventus. Zephryus.
Volturnus. Africus.
Et itur ad astra.
Et itur ad astra.
Etesiarum. Eurus.

Running verse:
Suus cuique mos. Suum cuique.
Meus mihi, suus cuique carus.
Memento, terrigena.
Memento, vita brevis.
Meus mihi, suus cuique carus.

Sea of Clouds. Umbriel.
Sea of Showers. Ariel.
And we go to the stars.
And we go to the stars.
Sea of Waves. Io. Vela.
This verse of the song expresses a want of freedom from the heavy burdens of everyday life. We want to remove the weight from our shoulders and free ourselves from the tightening grip of everyday life. We want to fly freely away from the horrendous grasp of gravity. This is all expressed in the simple words of the first verse. Everything that is said in this verse relates to the heavens, astronomy, and the sky. Clouds and Showers originate in the sky, and that is where we want our place away from home to be. Umbriel and Ariel are moons of Uranus whereas Io is a moon of Jupiter. Vela refers to the constellation in the sky. Vela represents the sails of the ship Argo. From that, we can derive a want for voyage, to travel to far off places, and all because of a want of escape from life. ‘And we go to the stars’ are thoughts of the future. Traditionally, stars hold clues about the future, so when we go to the stars, we are thinking about what to make of our future. But then, we have the Sea of Waves. (No, this is not just a repetitive line). Throughout this whole introduction, we are surrounded by thoughts of freedom from life, but as the concluding line comes around, we are brought back down to earth (the waves are the only portion of the song which can be found on Earth). Sadly, we only have dreams of freedom right now.
Wonderful to relate. Marvels.
Wonderful to see. Wonders.
And we go to the stars.
And we go to the stars.
Evergreen. A rose garden.
This verse talks about the wonders that we can still appreciate without launching ourselves into the other realm. The ‘everygreen’ and ‘rose garden’ are only two examples out of many. Rather than blubbering over the terrible lifestyles we lead, we need to take some time to look at the things we can appreciate. Again, we look to the stars to forsee our future. One thing which we will never understand is the future. Although for many, uncertainty is one of the last things they like, uncertainty also holds a special place in this world. If everything were preplanned and went accordingly, there would be no thrill or excitement in our lives. We would be walking robots, programmed to do everything perfectly. Uncertainty is what brings humans to an understanding that life is not torture, but rather a game. Depending on the person, this game can be a carefully mapped out game of chess or a swinging game of poker. Either way, uncertainty is what makes our lives worth living.
African Wind. Zephryus.
Volturnus. Africus.
And we go to the stars.
And we go to the stars.
Etesiarum. Eurus.
All of the names mentioned in this verse are names personifying winds. Zephryus is the west wind, Volturnus is the southeast wind, Africus is the southwest wind, Etesiarum is the northern summer winds of the Mediterranean, and Eurus is the east wind. To me, this verse is reinforcing the uncertainty of the future. Although winds are always there, they are insoluble and empty. You move about, yet you can't see them. By connecting this with the ‘stars’ verse, one essentially gathers that the future is like the winds. It is always there, yet it is invisible and airy. So goes the Latin phrase ‘carpe diem quam minimum credula postero’ (seize the day with little trust in tomorrow).
Running verse
Each has its own habits. Each its own.
Mine to me, its own to each is dear.
Remember, life is earth-born.
Remember, it is brief.
Mine to me, its own to each is dear.
In this verse, I believe that ‘it’ refers to the individual lives and dreams we lead. As the verse states, every person leads a unique life with its own characteristics. We are our own person. We are unique, and we should be proud that there is no one else in the world that is exactly like us. Our own lives are most dear to us, and that is the way it should be. Before we can admire the dreams and lives of others, we must first be able to appreciate our own goals and our own life. Appreciation is the keyword. It is true that life is brief, so we must savor life while we can. Remember, we all lead unique lives; take your treasure and love it to the fullest extent.

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