Her name was Erin...the sister I never had. We were in love..having meet during a time when life was nothing but a dream...that dream came to a horrific end. She was a friend... and I loved her like both a sister and lover. We had seen each other the summer before...then at the school of the gifted in the arts. She was killed by a street gang. She died in my arms. I remember her telling me that she loved me.....This was one of the first times I had known such a pain. I felt so empty...so I wore the face of revenge and died on her grave...and sought those..and vengence had it's day...
Dianna...my lovely Dianna...A face like not other..caring and free...yes the angels sought to take you away from this soul that was me. A confidant and friend..killed by a bullet. I layed you to rest and remembered your smile..your words, your hug..
Unlike these two...Wendy is still alive. When I first got on..Remy and I went to a place called Teen Talk and picked out two girls..Blondie and BABE. Wendy was babe and remy took Blondie. Needless to say Wendy and I became good friends....keeping in touch by mail and phone. She is going to nursing school and lives in Alabama...OH and if any guys want to date her..let me know....

To the living we owe nothing...to the dead..only the truth

In the doorway of Glory he find death who puts his hand in hers and whispers to him "Now...come home now."
"Soon.." he says.