You walk to the door....knocking lightly...hesitatingly.
The shadows seem to close in...the darkness extreme. The door opens step in and call out " anyone here." You feel the slightest brush of air against your face...sweet smelling yet oh so cold.

You shiver slightly in reaction and look around. As you turn around to go you catch a slight movement out of the corner of your eye. You turn towards it. The shadows move and you see the shape of a woman...she stands in the darkness and all you can see is her eyes. Glittering and stare transfixed. Her eyes seem to pull you...drag you closer to her. You feel the breath catch in your throat...

"Who...Who are you?" you manage to stammer.

Out of the shadows she steps....she still seems to blend into the darkness..yet you feel as though you can see her clearly. Her hair as black yet light as midnight falls down her back...when you look at her you can't seem to stop staring into her eyes. She beckons you....signaling you to follow her into the shadows. Your mind hesitates yet your body moves into the cloud of darkness that surrounds her. She walks ahead of you...expecting you to follow. You turn your head and look to either side of you as you follow her deeper into the darkness.

You are startled slightly when you stare at the realize they are only shadows..they have no substance. She turns catch a glimpse of her eyes...again you are transfixed and follow blindly. Moments later you enter another shadowy room. A few candles flicker and she turns to you...though you and she stand in the light she is still surrounded by shadows. She faces you stare at her and hear a voice as enchanting as her eyes in your whispers yet you hear everything loudly and clearly...

"Welcome to my world..."

She moves her hand motioning in a circle about the room and begins to speak in a low melodious voice..."This is my realm...I live in the shadows...the darkness...the night." She turns her back to you and lets out a gentle sigh...she laughs faintly and continues..." My thoughts seem to be as old as time itself...I walk in the shadows...they follow soul is as shadowed as my world..."

She motions to a chair in a dimly lit corner..." my tale...then you may wander about my my not afraid...nothing here shall hurt are here for a purpose...for that reason you are protected."

The Tale
Bypass the tale...into the Shadows