Scream 2

Possibly the best two slasher flicks made in the '90s, Scream and Scream 2 deserve a place on my page and in my heart. These movies are so good that . . .




I was even able to enjoy Scream 2 when my favorite character Randy *drrooooollll!!* met his demise *sob, sob, sob, cry, wail, weep, gnash teeth, etc.* Anyway, it was THAT good. But, despite its greatness, I have still found a way to save my beloved Randy, in theory anyway. Click HERE to go to my crazy theories page, where all of my pet theories exist. Don't worry, I'll still be here when you get back . . .

Daryl is getting off-track again!!

"Let's get back to the movies, already!"
Oh all right, Randy, darling.
Scream and Scream 2 are basically movies about a psycho killer that calls people on the phone using a spooky voice, then kills them really ickily. That really does the movies a grave injustice to put it so simply, but I really don't have the time or disk space to give you a blow by stab account . . . so rent/buy the movies already! They're REALLY good!

But, here is a quick little table of the main characters, so you can pick your favorite and be happy. By the Way, this contains spoilers (Like who lives and who doesn't) so don't blame me for your own curiosity-- you have been warned.

Sidney Prescott, our heroine. Whoopity doo. Personally, I think she could have used more action and less wailing about how screwed up she feels. I did like how she escaped time after time, but she's not my fav female in the group. Basically, the movies are about her, and about how everyone wants to kill her and her friends. Randy adores her, an unrequited love-slave . . . GRRRR!! Since she snubbed him, I guess he's fair game . . .
Gee, is it a little cold in there, Tatum? This is Tatum Riley, in the famous "I'm freezing out here" shot. She is Sidney's friend, and, I'm sorry to say, doesn't make it to Scream 2. Exactly how she gets it, I won't say. She is Dewey's sister, and she treats him like crap. Though I will break a rule and say Dewey is NOT the killer, let me tell you that anyone that treats dewey badly without kissing him DIES!!!!!! [Unspoken writer's rule :)]
This is Dwight "Dewey" Riley, Tatum's older brother. He is rather immature and slow-witted, in an endearing way. He is a rookie police officer, but this fails to get him any respect from anyone in the cast. It is an unspoken rule in Scream that DEWEY MUST SURVIVE, and ALL THAT TREAT HIM BADLY WITHOUT KISSING HIM MUST DIE!!!! Remember that.
This is Gale Weathers, a bitchy news reporter. she comes into town only to promote her book sales and image through the murders. Coincidentally, she falls in love with Dewey, with his simplicity and innocent charm. Since she kisses him, she lives through both films with little damage. I think that out of all the Scream females, Gale is my favorite, for her mean attitude and ability to piss off every other character within 5 minutes of meeting her. GO GALE!!
This is Billy Loomis, Sidney's first boyfriend that doesn't make it to Scream 2. Again, I won't say just how. One intersting fact-- his last name, Loomis, is very popular within the horror movie genre. For example: Halloween had Dr. Sam Loomis, Psycho had Sam Loomis, etc ad neaseum. Suffice it to say, Billy is a wierd guy, like most of the Scream cast.
This is my baby, my lamby, my darling, my Cutie, my Fav-- Randy Meeks!! O.k., at first glance he doesn't look that hot. The first time I saw him, I was far from impressed. Soon, however, his intelligence, wit, and overall sweet nature won me over. He made it to Scream 2, but he was eventually killed-- OR SO MANY PEOPLE THINK!!! Click here to see my theory on how he DIDN'T really die!!! In Scream and Scream 2, he is the horror movie enthusiast that is the only one that knows what's going on. His explaination of "The Rules to Surviving in a Horror film" is classic. Did I mention that he's my favorite character??
This is Casey Becker. Not much to say, other than she and her boyfriend are the first victims in the first movie, not counting Sidney's mother. The preformance by Drew Barrymore is superb, and if you rent Scream for no other reason, do it for her! She had me shaking in fright, through her brilliant perforance as a victim who "did everything right." Since her boyfriend is even less of a character than she is, there will be no piccy of him.
This is Stu! I can't remember his last name-- oh well! He is a wierd dude, but really funny to watch. Matthew Lillard's performance is, in my opinion, Oscar-worthy. He doesn't make it to Scream 2, but the short time we know him is enjoyable enough.
this is Mickey, the "Freaky Tarantino Film Student" as Randy so eloquently put it. He joins the group in Scream 2, but isn't as big of a character as we would like to see. He doesn't make it, not surprisingly, and we aren't too unhappy to see him go, especially considering the circumstances of his death.
For all you "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" fans, this is Buffy-- Well, she plays a girl named Cici in Scream 2, and dies in what could possibly be the most elaborate and most interesting death.
This is Derek, Sidney's New Boyfriend in Scream 2. He is witty, charming, a real MAN on campus. Someone you could really bring home to mom. Well, if he had managed to SURVIVE the movie, that is.
Hallie, another friend of Sidney's in Scream 2. Gets offed. Not much to say about her
Maureen. Dies in the beginning of Scream 2 with her boyfriend. Only here because she is on the movie poster.
This is Cotton Weary. Sidney originally thought he was the killer, and so he got jailed. Once free, he wants something to make up for his pain and suffering . . .
This is Debbie Salt, rival reporter of Gale Weathers. She shows up in Scream 2 and doesn't make it to the end, because she has a dirty little secret to reveal!

Obviously, I missed a few characters, but they were all rather minor in my view, so I skipped them! :)


So what about the future?

As you can see by the picture (which I took off someone's page and can't remember who it was-- please e-mail me if you want credit or think I should remove it) Scream 3 is already in the works, and I want to see it when it comes out. Nuff said. The last word then, will go to Randy . . .

"There'a a Formula! A VERY SIMPLE FORMULA!!!! EVERYONE'S A SUSPECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


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Back to my Fantasy . . . or else!!!

Last updated 4-16-99 by the Great Daryl Debunhurst herself!


Last updated 4-8-99 by the Great Daryl Debunhurst herself!