Home To My Warhammer 40K Page

Well the page hasn't been updated for ages so I thought i'd tell you whats been happening. I've not been online for positively ages and my emails been noexistant so thats why no new stuff. I'm currently playing Gorkamorka (who isn't) and so will hopefully have some new rules for that including Da Bank which will be able to loan you some teef, and some interesting stuff regarding the Necrons which have been released this month, (New Whitedwarf has rules and free White Metal Necron!!) Exodites (or Mutie Raiders should I say). Digganobz is released next month which will be pretty cool. I'll also be including some Eldar rules for my own Craftworld, which currently has no name. I might also do a Dark Eldar codex in the not so distant future. But finally some bad (possibly) news, Codex Hellfire will not be finished, unless someone likes it as i've lost interest in Space Marines, my loyalties lie with Chaos and Eldar.

Here Are Some New Rules For Warhammer 40K I have developed these in my spare time so they may not be much good.

If you have any comments then mail me at pietier@hotmail.com

Firstly I developed a new Space Marine Chapter called the Hellfires. These were quite difficult to paint because my brother (who is amazing at painting) painted an incredibly complex colour scheme. Because I was afraid of making a mess of the models, I had not tried my hand at painting them until recently. Fortunately I can paint it quite well. I will include a photo when I have time to take one. But suffice it to say if you chose the Hellfire Chapter use Blood Angles Red at the bottom of the shoulder pad of leg, do a line of that then mix that colour with Fiery Orange and paint that on then just fiery orange, then that mixed with Golden Yellow, then that on its own then finally Golden Yellow and Skull White.

A photo will be posted ASAP.

 Here is a list of updates:

13/12/97 Added rules for Chakhar the Blood Lord
14/7/97 Added rules for Hellfire Librarians.

17/8/97 I'm back from a two week holiday in Italy, which was wicked. Have some all new Chaos Characters including the supreme commander of the Death Guard who I should be making fairly soon using bits from Addadon, Fabius Bile, Azrael, and loads of modelling putty!! I'll type the rules for him up today hopefully adding them soon. I will also add the Emperors Guard Codex which is about a quarter done with some interesting weapons. They will by no means be the ultimate army incase you are wondering, and my chaos characters won't be ridiculas either. (Just look at this months Citadel Journel for a Chaos Character of Khorne with WS of 10!!! cool looking model they converted though) Kaare Rud Flarup has very kindly linked me to the Games Workshop Gateway a link for which I will add later as in tommorrow cause I haven't got the picture. Also I have done a rough for a Chaos Techmarine, who can alter your vehicles for interesting results. I should aslo be doing new mission cards for the battle for Purgatory as shown in a story in the Chaos Codex.


My Pages

Chaos Rules

Arcimis Chaos Lord Of Nurgle

Chak'har The Blood Lord

Kragore -Lord Of Fire

Sermis -Lord Of Pestalance

Emperors Guard Rules

Imperial Guard Rules



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Special Characters

New Wargear

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