To his Excellency Major General Sir John Harvey H.CM. and C. B. Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Brusnwick ,etc.etc.etc.
   The Petition of Alexander Boyd of the Parish of Bathurst in the County of Gloucester humbly sheweth.
    That his is a British subject ,born in Scotland and does not own any land, that he wishes to obtain, by purchase,a tract for immediate settlement, containing one hundred acres, and situated as follows:north sied of the Big River bounded to the N.East by land belonging to William Miller ,N.West by land belonging to James Black, and to the front by the Big River; this said land haveing been Vetted ken by enSotwho who has resigned his rights and improvements to the petitioner; and that he requests permission to purchase said land at three shillings per acre, if allowed he is prepared to settled himself  upon, and emporve the --------and confirm in all respects with the regulations for granting of land.
     And in duty bound with everbny
                                                       Alex Boyd