Okay, so the other day a friend of mine stumbled across my old home page and it occurred to me that maybe it was time to make a new one. A lot of things have changed for me since I moved to DC. So let me tell you a little about me.

I'm a youth advocate: Yep, I work for Advocates for Youth here in Washington DC. Advocates is dedicated to creating programs and promoting policies which help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual and reproductive health. I work on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Initiatives at Advocates. You may be familiar with our web page Youth Resource

Vaccine Research Webring

I'm an AIDS Vaccine Volunteer: That's right. Although the media doesn't talk about it much, there are trials going on right now across the country. I'm proud to support AIDS vaccine research, and do what I can to fight AIDS. (I'm also a big supporter of World AIDS Day and HIV Testing Education.)

I'm a Furman Grad: Yes I was a major environmental activist in college. And although I'm not attending homecoming this year, I still keep in touch with a few Furman Friends through an internet discussion group: The Parisians. Check out some creations from the Parisian Discussion List:

I'm a net addict: I love being part of the internet's queer community and specifically providing support to queer youth. I particularly enjoy webrings. I've helped create:

I am also proud to be serving on the Board of Directors of Youth Guardian Services, an organization that provides online peer support to LGBT and questioning youth.

I'm part of the DC Community: I love living in Washington DC and being a part of the community here. I'm currently chair of the the DC Safe Schools Coalition and I have enjoyed singing with the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington (I took the last season off, but am planning to rejoin)

Still want to know more? eesh, kinda scary. Well, you can e-mail me if you'd like, or maybe you'd rather check out these links: