On vocabolari (piscinin) Ingles-Milanes

'Sto vocabolari chì, 'me capissaree, el serviss domà per dà on idea di 'me hinn i parol milanes. Mi provaria no a voltà on quajcoss in Milanes doperand domà quest...

This vocabulary, as you well understand, is meant only to give a sample of Milanese words. I would not try to translate anything by using this only....

address l'indirizz
aeroplane l'areoplan
all tutt
alone in de per lu
always semper
bad gram
bed el lett
big gròss
bird l'usell
black negher
blood el sangu
blue bloeu
bone l'òss
book el liber
bottle la botteja
boy el bagaj
bread el pan
broom la scova
brother el fradell
buy comperà
car la macchina
cat el gatt
chair la cadrega
chew sgagnà
chicken el pollaster
child el fioeu
chin el barbòzz
choose scernì
close sarà su
cook el coeugh
corner el canton
cow la vaca
crazy matt
crowd la gent
day el dì
death la mòrt
dirty vonc
doctor el dottor
dog el can
door la pòrta
drink bev
dry succ
eat magnà
egg l'oeuv
empty voeuj
end la fin
enough assee
factory la fabbrica
farmer el villan
father el pader
fever la fever
fire el foeugh
fish el pess
flower el fior
foreign forestee
fresh fresch
friend l'amis
full pien
garden el giardin
girl la tosa
glass el biccer
go andà
gold l'òr
green verd
hammer el martell
hat el cappell
head el coo
holiday la vacanza
horse el cavall
hot sbrojent
hour l'ora
husband el marì
inside denter
iron el ferr
island l'isola
juice el sugh
kill ammazzà
knife el cortell
lake el lagh
learn imparà
leg la gamba
listen scoltà
live viv
lose perd
lover el moros
market el mercaa
marriage el matrimoni
milk el latt
mirror el specc
money i danee
mother la mader
name el nòmm
near visin
new noeuv
night la nòtt
noise el frecass
now adess
old vegg
only domà
open dervì
outside de foeura
pain el dolor
parents i gent
park el parch
piece el tòcch
post la pòsta
quiet quiett
red ross
rich scior
river el fiumm
round tond
salt la saa
school la scòla
sea el mar
sell vend
shoe la scarpa
short cort
shout vosà
silver l'argent
sleep dormì
small piscinin
soap el savon
spoon el cuggiar
stone la preia
street la via
table la tavola
tax i tass
television la television
theatre el teater
thought el pensee
today incoeu
tomorrow doman
tooth el dent
train el tren
tree la pianta
understand capì
want vorè
water l'acqua
well ben
wheel la roeuda
whistle el ziffol
white bianch
wife la miee
wood el legn
year l'ann
yellow giald
yesterday ier
Milan Milan (m)
Lombardy la Lombardia