This page is intended to clear up some of the frequently started rumors regarding the band Marilyn Manson.

~*~ Did Mr.manson get his ribs removed.......?

*laughs* This one of the biggest questions i am ever asked, but the answer is NO. This is simply a rumor and a unrealistic one a that.

~*~ Did Marilyn Manson play on "The Wonder Years"?

Once again, i sometimes wonder where you people think these things up, but NO, Marilyn has never starred in a television sitcom.

~*~ Is it true the band sacrifices animals on stage?

Not at all. The only incident even vaguely resembling this rumor, is once the band performed with a caged chicken on stage, but the band did not harm this animal.

~*~ Does the band pass out drugs during the concert?

#1 No. #2 If you seriously think this would happen at a Manson concert, don't you think he would have been arrested for it? Besides that is for AFTER the concert.

Heard any good Manson rumors lately? e-mail them to I will be happy to clear them up.