U.S.S. Defiant Memorial

Welcome to the "MEMORIAL" for the U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205. I was hoping that I would never have to post something like this. If anyone of you so called Star Trek fanatics are as hard as you think you are, than you would have seen DS9 Episode: "The Changing Face Of Evil" on 5/1/99. That's a nice way to begin the new month!!! I was really upset about it. The way it was destroyed makes me sick just like the battle it was in. I hated how the Breen and the Dominion just took it out. Death to all of them.

The U.S.S. Defiant was the best ship ever concieved. The ways it killed people, mostly the CARDEES, excited me the most. The battles it has been through, and the struggles that it has conquered through for the past four years gives it the right to have a memorial. This memorial must also go to all of the Federation lives that have been lost in the two year long war. I don't care for any Dominion casualties. The ship was the first of it's kind, and it had the best commander. All that is left of the glorious ship are dozens of escape pods. It was literally torn in half by the Breen. I'll never forget this. -"NX-74205 Web Master," Brandon Hudson

My Dear Feds, As a Star Trek fan, I can't begin to tell you how upset I was with the destruction of the Defiant. I still can't believe TPTB did that! The Defiant was by far the greatest ship of Trek and I had a tear in my eye as Sisko took one last look at the shattered bridge before leaving it for good. As a Cardassian fan, I would like you to keep in mind that it was the Breen that destroyed the ship. I am proud to point out that Legate Damar had already decided to end Cardassia's alliance with the Dominion at that time and no Cardassian ships were seen in the battle. I have never been a supporter of the Dominion which was secretly arranged but Dukat who has since been proven to be quite mad. I therefore pledge my complete support to Legate Damar in his quest to rid Cardassia of the Dominion blight once and for all. -"Gul Makat"

I think it sucks that the Defiant got blown up. However the good thing about it now is that Captain Sisko is going to make the Dominion and the Breen pay for blowing up his ship. -"Seth "Jin" Feldman"

I am so pissed off that the defiant was destroyed, who do they think they are going and blowing up the coolest ship ever constructed. Even so, the defiant should've gone out with ALL phasers and torpedos blaring! Since the series is ending, that doesn't mean they should blow up the defiant! -"Jasmaster"

The Destruction of the Defiant is well, probably the most devestating thing that has ever happened to me (except when my dog died). I think about her every night before going to bed (I usually cry myself to sleep) and she's the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning. Every breath is a challenge... every time I raise my "%&*#" to go to the bathroom, I do a chore. WHY GOD, WHY!? -"James T. Fazar" (http://www.maximumdefiant.com)

Last Quote Added On 05/10/99 At 16:34 Hours Or Something

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