Friday, March 28, 2025



The Brothers Gibb through the years...

1946- Sep. 1. Barry Alan Crompton Gibb was born, Douglas, Isle of Man

1949- Dec. 22. Twins Robin Hugh Gibb and Maurice Ernest Gibb were born, Douglas, Isle of Man

1956- Dec. The Gibb brothers sang before an audience for first time.

1958- March 5. Andrew Roy Gibb (Andy) was born, Manchester.

1958- Aug. The Gibb family moved to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

1960- The Bee Gees sang in TV for first time on "Anything Goes" (ABQ TV Brisbane)

1963- Jan. First single released "The battle of the blue and the grey/ The three kisses of love".

1967- Jan. The Bee Gees come back to England.

1967- March. First worldwide album released: "Bee Gees First".

1967- Album released: "Horizontal".

1968- Album released: "Idea".

1969- Album released: "Odessa". On the breakdown: "Cucumber Castle"(without Robin) and "Robin's Reign" (Robin solo album).

1970- The return. Album released: "Two years on" and "Melody" (movie soundtrack).

Mark & Melody

1971- Album released: "Trafalgar".

1972- Album released: "To whom it may concern".

1973- Album released: "Life in a tin can". The brothers moves to Miami. Album unreleased: "A kick in the head is worth eight in the pants".

Robin Gibb

1974- Album released: "Mr. Natural".

1975- Album released: "Main Course".

1976- Album released: "Children of the world".

1977- Album released: "Saturday night fever" (movie soundtrack).

1978- Album released: "Sgt. Pepper's lonely hearts club band".

1979- Album released: "Spirits having flown" and a great world tour.

1977-1981 Andy Gibb in the top of the charts.

1980- The Bee Gees started to make a several productions for others artists. This year "Guilty" for Barbra Streinsand.

1981- Album released: "Living eyes".

1982- "Heartbreaker" album for Dionne Warwick.

1983- Album released: "Staying alive" (movie soundtrack, Bee Gees). "How old are you?" (Robin Gibb). And "Eyes that see in the dark" album for Kenny Rogers.

1984- "Secret Agent" (Robin Gibb) and "Now voyager" (Barry Gibb).

1985- "Walls have eyes" (Robin Gibb) and "Eaten Alive" album for Diana Ross.

1986- "Runaway" album for Carola (top-selling performer in Sweden since winning the Eurovision song contest in 1983). The brothers makes the recording for the Summer Olympics album.

1987- Return to the scene: "E.S.P", Bee Gees album.

1988- Album "Hawks", Barry Gibb, movie soundtrack.

1989-The Bee Gees, album released: "One". "One for all tour" around the world.

1991- Album released: "High civilization".

1993- Album released: "Size isn't everything".

1997- Album released: "Still waters".

1998- "One night only" tour around the world and first live album since 1977.

October 17 1998- The Bee Gees played in my country (Argentina) for first time!.

Pictures from Argentina

2001- Album released: "This is were I came in."


in january 2003 in Europe the new Robin Gibb Album: "Magnet" -


... to be continued

Bee Gees Anthology


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Bee Gees MEGAMIX by the spanish DJ "Ixpema"

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Saturday Night Fever

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Site build by Demian Panello.

Dedicated to my adorable Donnatella  Donnatella

Last update December 09 2002.

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