Central Intelligence Agency
Just thought I'd throw this in to add some government conspiracy paranoia into the hack.
COAST Homepage
COAST -- Computer Operations, Audit, and Security Technology is a university sponsored project to investigate computer security.
European Satellite Hack
Itching to decode a battery keypad card? Wanna read the alt.satellite.tv.crypt FAQ? Typical hack site with links and keys to unlock cyberspace.
Guide to Lock Picking
Yup kidz, it's yer very own guide to lock picking, online. Remember not to do anything illegal with this stuff.
Hacker Dictionary
If you wanna be in with the hackers and you aren't one, you better read this. The lingo is the magic wand.
Hacker's Haven
A cool background and some interesting links are staking claim on the real estate at Hacker Haven.
kn0wledge phreak < k0p >
is cool. And this is a great Hack-phreak-anarchy site. I mean great!
L0pht Heavy Industries
L0pht is a rad, bad hacking zine that has a pretty big online following. Lots of great info here.
The ezine that's been around for the longest, serving the hacker community with zest and zeal for all that is curiosity.
Shadow Master's H P C Hot Links
One of the best link lists for all you hackers - Shadow Master knows his hacks.
Shadow Master's Home Page
Not only does Shadow Master have cool links, there is a great file archive with the warning "use all information at your own risk...I take no responsibility for your stupidity." Great site.
Ahhhh, a site after my own heart. Anarchy, technology and how to bring it all down. Heh. Great great links here.
The Underground
Candyman has some nice candles in his background now and some nice tricks hacker types would like.
The World of Hacking
This page is a little more "artsy" than the typical hacker pages and doesn't have as much original content. The links are good though.
Trusted Information Systems
One of the many places where hacker types go to retire...sorry kidz but the sell-out rate is too high (and you know who you are...)
War on the Internet
Just because news isn't hyped anymore doesn't mean it's to be forgotten. Read up on Phil Zimmerman, if you haven't already.Click here to go back to the index.
©Dennis Hubbes 1997