Characters of GW

Heero Yuy:
Duo Maxwell:
Trowa Barton:
Quatre Raberba Winner:
Chang Wu Fei:
Relena Darlian/Peacecraft:
Zech Merquise/Mirialdo Peacecraft:
Marimeia Kshushrenada/Barton:
Treize Kshushrenada:
Lady Une:
Dorothy Cataronia:
Lucrezia Noin:


Wing Gundam, Wing Gundam Zero and Custom:
Gundam Deathscythe, D Hell and Custom:
Gundam Shen - Long, Altron and Nataku:
Gundam Sandrock and Sandrock Custom:
Gundam Heavyarms and Custom:
Tallgeese I, II and III:
Gundam Epyon:
Serpent Custom:


I will write in the characters and mecha page which one who are the Endless Waltz character and who are the After Colony character.