"And she came to me in a DREAM..."

"With Love, there are some thorns, but Without Love there are no Roses"

I hope all who enter will be able to leave with a SMILE on their face. A warm feeling in their heart, and a desire to come back.

Here's Looking at You !!!


Here I have come to wage war with the tide

but I am swept up in wonder that won't be denied.

I fall from my feet to sit in the sand

to absorb all this splendor that is stunning and grand.

The heavens are afire with crimson and gold.

There can't be more beauty that one can behold.

The surf is carressing like a lover's soft kiss

I am caught up in passion that no one should miss.

The warmth of the sun as if fades from the sky

is gentle and soothing as it bids me goodbye.

My soul takes flight to soar with the breeze

as my heart is filled with such comfort and ease.

No worries or cares could you bring to this place

for it's very majesty is your redeming grace.

I am so very glad that I came here this day

for I came here to battle but decided to play.

Can you not feel what I am feeling? Come sit next to me.

Let the earth share of itself so that you to are free.

Written By Daniel ( WightKnyt)P>

Your Eyes
When you look in my eyes
will you see what's inside
will you know how much
I want to love you

Will you see hidden there
all the ways that I care
will you know how much
I want to love you

Will you see deep within my heart
will you feel what I feel for you
Will you know what I'm trying to say
when the words aren't enough to get through

When you look in my eyes
and you gaze deep inside
will you know how much
I want to love you

Will my loving shine through
will you know that it's true
will it be enough
to hold you

Will you want me the way
I want you each day
will you know how much
I love you
c.m. summers © 1998

Upon the wind dreams of ages fly
with wings of light, no earthly tie
can bind them here nor keep them bound
Where dreams are born, there you are found

With wings of light thoughts rush to you
from places in the heart. They grew
with boundless grace and fullest glee
a gift for all you mean to me.

c.m. summers © 1998

I want to stay right here with you,
to see your face each day,
I want to hold your hand my love,
to kiss your pain away
I want to lie beside you
when the twilight gently falls
I want to kiss the sleep away
with each new day that calls

To give you all that I can give
To see a smile light your face
To know eternity is short
While resting in your warm embrace
If I could give you one small gift
It would be LOVE, pure and true
to flood your soul and warm you life
To give you strength, to see you through

So know my dear, that you are loved
Though it may not seem true
there is someone who cares so much
And wishes she could be with you.
Cm summers 1998

A Little Heaven
When heaven touches earth below
the angels sing and dance, you know
A smile wreathed my face today
because you touched me just that way
You touched my heart and made life grand
You touched my life, you held my hand
Cm summers 1998

Joy, flooding my soul like a tidal wave
Joy, sweeping over me and stopping my breathe
Joy, bright and glorious as a new sunrise in summer time
Joy, sweet and heady tasting like new wine

You speak to me and I am overwhelmed
thoughts of you leave me dizzy with delight
such a miracle can not be, I know; yet
Joy consumes me because of YOU
cm summers 1998



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