Kara S. Harton
Hi! I'm Kara Harton, and this is my web site dedicated to
the handsome, talented actor, Devon Sawa. If you've been
here before I'm sure you've noticed that I've changed the
background color and some of the text. Please let me know what you think about it. You can e-mail me with questions, comments, suggestions, or anything else that you want to
tell me. I've been having a few problems with my e-mail so if you send a message to Jakara@webtv.net and it comes back to you, you can also reach me at Devonzgirl@webtv.net I
hope you like my web site!
Peace, love, and happiness...always!
Kara a.k.a. LadyMidnight
P.S. If you want to chat you might find me at The Globe or
The Chathouse. Bot of them are on my links list.
My Devon Sawa Photo Gallery
Links Galore