What a wonderful friend you are to me!

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I sit in my chair

Thinking of the ways

You've touched my heart

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redCLR.gif (5645 bytes)redCLR.gif (5645 bytes)redCLR.gif (5645 bytes)

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And I know

With all my heart

That I have been blessed

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yellowCLR.gif (5092 bytes)yellowCLR.gif (5092 bytes)yellowCLR.gif (5092 bytes)

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There are too few

In this giant, busy world

That touches my soul like you

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blueCLR.gif (5977 bytes)blueCLR.gif (5977 bytes)

blueCLR.gif (5977 bytes)blueCLR.gif (5977 bytes)blueCLR.gif (5977 bytes)


Thank you for being my friend!


blueCLR.gif (5977 bytes)yellowCLR.gif (5092 bytes)redCLR.gif (5645 bytes)yellowCLR.gif (5092 bytes)blueCLR.gif (5977 bytes)

Tell all your friends how much they mean to you!

Forward this URL to everyone you care about!

Let friendship rule over this world!

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