This is a Public Stand against, "Stargate", the movie and "Stargate SG-1", the sequel TV series


To whom it may concern;

My name is Dr. J.S. Great-House, High Priest of the Church of Egyptology, Inc. and a Priest of Amen Ra, the Most High.

I was invited to see a movie, Stargate, on the eleventh of December, 1994, by a student of mine. He thought it was a great movie and felt that I would be interested in it because it had some information about ancient Egypt, since I am an Egyptologist.

The information contained in the movie, Stargate, started with very little accuracy about ancient Egypt, and by the middle of the movie they were telling lies. Lies about Ra, the creator, the Father of the Gods. Ra, to an Egyptologist, is the equivalent of Jehovah, to Christians, or Allah, to Muslims. By the way, Ra worship began 3000, or more, years before Christ, as is documented in history.

This movie portrayed Ra as a selfish murderer who enslaved humans for his own selfish gain. A God who possessed the body of a young boy so he could prolong his own existence.

This movie is misleading to the general public! This country is very ignorant of ancient Egypt and it's contribution to the civilized world. Egypt was the first civilization in the world.

Stargate, the movie, is a direct assault to me and my church and everything that I believe in, and a put down to the information that I teach and represent.

Millions of people have seen this movie, and millions more will see it in the future. That makes the job of getting the truth out much harder.

I want to put a stop to Stargate, the movie, and receive a public apology to my church and to me personally for I am Ra's High Priest and representative on earth. ____________________________________________________________

I wrote the letter above in 1994, and submitted it to an attorney in Encino. He instructed me to submit it to the producers of Stargate and demand a retraction before filing a law suit. I decided to wait for the sequel, if there was no sequel I would just take it as a mistake. There was no movie sequel in the making for "Stargate". Now, four years later, there is a release of "Stargate" as a television series, "Stargate SG-1". The pilot was aired last night (20th, Sept.) on the Fox Network. It turns out that the original creator of "Stargate" is out of the picture, and from what I hear, he wanted nothing to do with the T.V. series, but there is a new person starting up, with the T.V. version, where the movie stopped. That same night channel 4 (NBC) aired "Stargate" the movie.

In the following episodes they continue to slander the good names of the Ancient Egyptian, Church of Egyptology, deities, as it is announced on the internet that there are episodes yet to be aired on network television, that have already been on cable T.V. (Show Time). The pilot that was on the Fox Network last night, Aug.20th, was originally aired on cable T.V. in 1997.

To them it seems to be open season on the church. These are malicious attacks on Ancient Egypt, and in turn, the Church of Egyptology, Inc.

The Church of Egyptology, Inc. is a non-profit corporation. We are a research and teaching ministry.

My job is to re-establish Egyptology as a belief system and tell the truth about ancient Egypt. All of the different deities are a part of one god. The different names are the same god in different functions, like when Jesus, in the Christian Bible, says, "I and my father are one", John 10:10.

I am not, no, I can not stand by and let these lies about my belief system, Egyptology, and my official office become common knowledge to the American public, and to the world. It will be hard to repair the damage that has been done. This to me is a declaration of war.

I invoke the Ancient Spiritual Powers of KMT to Expose and to Extinguish this Injustice.

In God We Trust,

Dr. J.S. Great-House

Church of Egyptology, Inc.

Church of Egyptology, Inc. domain

Dr. J.S. Great-House
2972 W. Pico Blvd.
2974 W. Pico. Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90006
United States

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