Information from the book HISTORY OF DUBUQUE COUNTY IOWA
Official Roster-Town Officials
  A Town government was organized in 1837, by an act of the Territorials Legislature, and the following is the roster of Trustees who served:
President- T.S. Wilson
Trustees-   J. Plumbe, Jr.,  T.C. F?????, William Myers, Charles Miller and Timothy Fanning
Clerk- Charles Corkery
Treasurer-Patrick Quigley
Marshall and Collector-Philip C. Morhiser
Assessor-Ezekiel C. Dougherty
President- P. C. Morhiser
Trustees- A. Butterworth,  John Plumbe, Jr., E. Langworthy,John McKenzie,Benjamin Rupert
Clerk- Joseph T. Fales
Marshall - B.F. Davis
President- Patrick Quigley
Trustees- S.D.Dixon,E. Langworthy, Dr. T. Mason,Loring Wheeler,  Thomas C. Fassitt
Clerk-Benjamin Rupert
Marshall - John McKinzie
Treasurer- George A. Shannon
President- S.D.Dixon
Trustees- J.P. Farley, Charles Miller, Patrick Quigley , E.C. Dougherty
Clerk-Benjamin Rupert
Marshall- B.F. Davis

In 1841 by popular vote, A city charter, providing for aelection of Mayor and six Aldermen:  The following are the officeres:
1841- Caleb H.  Booth 1842-  Samueal D. Dixon 1843- James Fanning - 1844-46 F.K. O'Ferrall
1847 P.A. Lorimier 1848- George I. Nightingale 1849- Warner Lewis  1850- J.H. Emerson  1851- P.A. Lorimier 1852-54 -Jesse P. Farley 1855 -John G. Shields 1856-57 - David S. Wilson 1858- H.S. Hetherington 1859-John Hodgdon 1860-61- Henry L. Stout 1862-63- J.H. Thedinga 1864-66- John Thompson 1867- J.K. Graves 1868-Solomon Truck 1869-70- W.J.Knight 1871- James Burt 1872-S. Turck 1873-74- A.H. Peaslee 1875- James Cushing 1876-77- George B. Burch 1878- W.J.Knight 1879-John D. Bush.
1841- Jesse P. Farley, E. Langworthy, H. Simplot, Charles Miller, W.W. Coriell Timothy Fanning
1842- John Thompson, James Fanning ,  Joseph T. Fales, Jesse P. Farley,  Joseph Ogilby and A. Cline
1843- Timothy Fanning,  P. C. Morhiser, F.K. O'Ferrall, David Slater,  John H. Thedinga and Joseph Ogilby
1844- John Blake, John G. Shields, Timothy Fanning, Elisha Dwelle, Robert Rogers and John H. Thedinga
1845-Elisha Dwelle, Timothy Fanning, John Blake, Robert Rogers,John H. Thedinga and  John G. Shields
1846- Hugh Treanor, William H. Robbins, Amos Mathews, Michael McNamara, M. Mobley and Lewis L. Wood
1847- Michael McNamara, William H. Robbins,Amos Mathews, Morgan Curran, W.J. Gilliam and Lewis L. Wood
1848- Hugh Treanor, William H. Robbins, John Gunn, Patrick Finn, H.S. Hetherington,  and L.L. Wood
1849-W.D. Waples, J.J.E. Norman, Thomas Hardie, Philip Powers, F.V. Goodrich, John Gunn and  John G. Shields
1850- L.D. Randall, John D. Bush, Ed Langworthy, David Decker, Robert Rogers and H.V. Gildea
1851- L. Molony, Joseph Ogilby,  John D. Bush,  Caleb H. Booth, Jesse P. Farley,Lewis L. Wood
1852- M. McNamara, James Burt, Christopher Pelan,W.D. Waples, H.L. Stout, and George McHenry
1853- James Burt,  Edward O'Hare, Anton Heeb, Thomas McCraney, M. Mobley, George Wilde,  Ben  M. Samuels, E. Langworthy,M.Henry L. Stout, M.McNamara,  and John D. Bush
1854- John D. Bush, James Reed, E. Langworthy, Patrick Quigley, George Connell, Christopher Pelan, M. McNamara, Thomas McCraney, Anton Heeb, Mathias Ham, John King,  F. Weigel, Edward O'Hare and Fred E. Bissell
1855 Patrick Quigley, M. McNamara, Morgan Curran,George Connell, Fred Weigel, G.L. Nightingale, B. M. Samuels,Christopher Pelan, E. Spotswood, John King, and Mathias Ham
1856  M. McNamara, B. M. Samuels, Robert Mitton, J.J.E. Norman, N. Nadeau, Mathias Ham,Morgan Curran, Warner Lewis, G.C. Kneichbaum, G.L. Nightingale,  E. Spotswood
1857 M. McNamara,  J.J.E. Norman, George L. Nightingale, James Woodnough, Samuel Virden, Warner Lewis,N. Nadeau,  Robert Mitton, G.O. Karrick, G.C. Kneichbaum, Anton Heeb and Adam Jaeger
1858   M. McNamara, George McHenry, Hugh Treanor, Samuel Virden, John B. Lane, Franklin Hinds,  G.O. Karrick, B.B. Richards, Robert Mitton,  Adam Jaeger and Mathias Ham
1860 Hugh Treanor, John Mehlhop, George L. Mathews, Mathias Ham, Joseph A. Chapline, Patrick Quigley, A. Kaufmann,George L. Mathews, John Bittman, John B. Lane
1861 Patrick Quigley,  Hugh Treanor, George L.Torbert, John B. Lane, George Connell, George Wood, John Bittman,  George L. Mathews, F. Weigel,  John Rugamer
1862 Hugh Treanor, Patrick Quigley, M.B. Mulkern, George L.Torbert, George Connell, D.S. Cummings, Peter Kiene, George L. Mathews, J. Christman and John Rugamer
1863  Hugh Treanor, Patrick Quigley, M.B. Mulkern,  John Russ, D.S. Cummings, Henry L. Stout, Titus Schmidt, J. Christman, Peter Kiene
1864 Patrick Quigley, J.H. Emerson, John Russ, M.B. Mulkern, H.L. Stout, D.S. Cummings, John Rugamer, George L. Mathews, H.S. Hetherington, Titus Schmidt
1865 J.H. Emerson, Patrick Quigley, M.B. Mulkern, L.N. Gibbs, D.S. Cummings, Henry Lembeck, John King, H.S. Hetherington, John D. Bush and John Rugamer
1866 Patrick Quigley, Arthur McCann, John Lucas, L.N. Gibbs, B.F. Smith, H. Lembeck, D.S. Cummings,  John D. Bush,  H.S. Hetherington,  John King, A.F. Jaeger
1867  John Lucas, N.C. Ryan, B.F. Smith, Thomas C. Fassitt,  D.S. Cummings,  Hilarius Pleins, H.S. Hetherington, H.P. Ward, M. Kingman, A.F. Jaeger, J.M. Wening
1868 John Lucas, James Rowan, T. C. Fassitt,  G.W. Scott, Joseph Gehrig,  Hilarius Pleins, E.G. Young, M. Kingman, T.P. Coates, J.M. Wening, A.F. Jaeger
1869 James Rowan, John Lucas, Joseph Gehrig, D.B. Lenehan, E.G. Young, Hilarius Pleins,  Peter Kiene, T.P. Coates, Fred  Weigel, A.F. Jaeger
1870 N.C. Ryan, Joseph Gehrig, J. M. Robinson, Thomas Coates, A.F. Jaeger
1871  John Lucas, J.C. Chapman, Hilarius Pleins,  John M. Robinson, A. Kaiser
1872  J.P.  Quigley, John Pier, J.B. Howard,  L.W. McMaster, A.F. Jaeger
1873   A.A. Cooper, J.J. Linehan, John Krayer, James Beach, J.W. Parker,  A. Kaiser, Peter Kiene, Jr.
1874  Patrick Lagen, Philip Pier, J. O'Hea Cantillon, John Maclay and George Fengler
1875 J.P.  Quigley,  John J. Linehan, John Wunderlich, F.T. Walker, M. Blumenauer
1876 Arthur McCann,  Philip Pier, J. O'Hea Cantillon, M.M. Walker and John M. Lillig
1877 John P.  Quigley,   John J. Linehan,  Peter Fay, John D. Bush, Louis Doerfer
1878 A. McCann,  Theodore Altman, Michael Brown, Joseph Herod  and John M. Lillig
1879 John O'Neill, John J. Linehan, B.W. Jones, C. Leckie and L. Doerfler

Benjamin Rupert 1841-42       W.B. Smith 1843-46      A.D. Anderson 1847-49

John G. Shields 1844    C. Miller 1848   John W. Markle 1849    B.J. O'Halloran 1850-52
John G. Shields 1853    R.C. Waples 1854-55     Amos Mathews 1856
E. Spotswood 1857    Amos Mathews 1858       C.J. Leist 1859
R.G. Herron 1860-61    P.M. Guthrie 1862-66      John P.  Quigley 1867-69
H.W. Griswold 1870-73         Daniel Riordan 1874-79

Charles J. Leist 1845              John Coffee 1846                 C. J. Leist 1847                Joseph Swab 1848                        C. Hewitt 1849                        D.M. Morison 1850-51        H.C. Pierce 1852              P.C. Morheiser 1853-54
Peter Kiene 1855                    J.P. Evans 1856-57               C. C. Hewitt  1858            Thomas Fleming 1859
Jacob Swivel 1860-61            C.G. Hargus 1862-63            F.J. Cromer 1864-65        Owen Hardy 1866
P.C. Morheiser 1867-68        Owen Hardy 1869-72            John Kintzinger 1873-74
George W. Finn 1875-76       H.C. Deckert 1877-79

Alexander D. Anderson 1848                                Horace Estes 1849-51
Charles Corkery 1852                                              W.H. Robbins  1853
P.W. Crawford 1854-57                                           John W. Markie 1858
A. De Mowbray 1859                                             William McLennan 1860
Frank Jennings 1861-62                                          John Hurley 1863
R.E. Bishop 1864                                                     W.  McLennan 1865
W.A. Jones 1866-67                                                Frank Glab 1868-69
C.G. Hargus 1870-77                                                J. P.  Quigley 1878-79

S.G. Fennimore 1848                                            A. Anderson 1849
J. King 1850                                                           J.B. Van Hagen 1851
H.S. Hetherington 1852                                       J.W. Markle 1852
R.O. Anderson 1854                                             I.N. Higbee 1855
John Parker 1856                                                   Pius Emerson 1857
Charles J. Leist 1858                                             J.A. Langton 1859
Lambert Kn(ight) 1860-66                                    Charles Pitschner 1867
R.O. Anderson 1868-69                                        Joseph Locher 1870
P.F. Guthrie 1871-72                                              R.O. Anderson 1873
Henry Stecher 1874-76                                         R.O. Anderson 1877
H. Stecher 1878-79

J.A. Langton 1855                                                Charles J. Leist  1856
P. Byrne 1857                                                        J.M. Freund 1858

D.G. Scott 1855
H.S. Hetherington 1856
J. Adam Kich 1857
J.A. Koch 1858
E. Spotswood 1859
D.O.C. Quigley 1860
Thoams Faherty 1861
C.H. Mix 1862
S.L. Dixon 1863
A.E. Skinner 1864-65
Henry Stecher 1866
A.E. Skinner 1867
J.D. Jennings 1868-75
F.G. Brandt 1876-79

J.S. Blatchly 1855-56
W.T. Barker 1857
J.L. Harvey 1858
Samuel Duncan 1859-60
J.H. O'Neill 1861
Fred Gottchalk 1862
J.H. Shields 1863-66
Edward McCeney 1867-72
W. Graham 1873
T.S. Wilson 1874
D.E. Lyon 1875
T.S. Wilson 1876
H.T. McNulty 1877-79


For Auditor-CYRIL D. LAGEN
FFor Treasurer-GEO. WYBRAND
For Assessor-AL BEGLEY
For Attorney-GEORGE T. LYONS
For Adermen-at-large-FRANK KEESECKER and JOHN H. STROBEL
For Adermen of the First Ward-LOUIS J. PLAMONDON
For Adermen of the Second Ward-JOHN J. O'ROURKE
For Adermen of the Third Ward-WILLIAM GLODEN
For Adermen of the FOURTH WARD-J.H. WALLIS
For Adermen of the Fifth Ward-E.F. FRITH

The first Seven have write ups in the paper on their lives.  If interested please contact me and I will forward to you.