Doukhoborology's Genealogy Search

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Looking for Roots


X-Sender: (Unverified), Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 21:30:09 -0500, To: John Semenoff , From: "Koozma J. Tarasoff" , Subject: Hello

Hi John: Many thanks for your many Emails that you have sent me from your post as active Webmaster for the Canadian Doukhobor Home Page. Congratulations for continually updating us with interesting items (vegetariansim, peace-making, the question of the century, and more). Although I am usually too busy to respond right away, I am glad to receive your communications.

I saw that Jon Kalmakoff had a interesting response to one of your requests. If I had more time, I would certainly join in the discussions.

The exchange is healthy and can lead to the clarification of an idea or the raising of another good idea. So keep up this healthy process of democracy.

John, I wonder if you could place the following letter on the WWW to see if someone could assist this person in need from Russia. The letter comes from Galina F. Velmisova, a Doukhobor from Slavyanka, Azerbaidzhan.

She is anxiously seeking her relatives who apparently moved to Canada in l9l2 -- the Streyaevs and the Terekhovs. As follows:

5 Pustomerzha, Apt. 2, Kingiseppsky raion, Leningradsky Region, Russia l88479

November l4, l998

Dear Mr. Tarasoff:

Hello. My name is Galina. I'm one of Doukhobors in Russia (Azerbijan, Slavyanka). Im, 37, I'm a teacher. I have a family: l5-year-old son and husband. My grandmother Terekhova Evdokiya (maiden name Strelyaeva) wrote to you in l989-l99l. She tried to find her relatives that migrated to Canada in l9l2. As far as I know you helped her in searches. I hope to find my relatives in Canada or to have connections with Doukhobors of Canada.

I am interested in my roots, spiritual culture. Russia has troubled times now. Another reason of my searches is to have opportunity to go to Canada.

Maybe it'll be our single chance to survive. Would you like to h elp me to make any connections with Doukhobors of Canada? Please help me to find my relatives (Streyaevs, Terekhovs). I know that they live in Saskatoon and Calgary.

I hope to hear from you soon. With best wishes, Galina F. Velmisova

Perhaps some reader could come to her assistance.

Best wishes to you and your family during the forthcoming holiday season and beyond.


Koozma J. Tarasoff & Kristina Kristova 882 Walkley Road Ottawa, Ontario KlV 6R5 Canada Tel/Fax: (6l3) 737-5778


Doukhobor Genealogy: Another place to use for searching
A Dictionary of Periodic Russian Names: How many names originated
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