Modified Elimination Diet

Primary Guidelines
Diet Summary

This dietary approach has been most helpful in patients who complain of recurrent gastrointestinal problems, especially diarrhea, food intolerance or sensitivity;  chemical or environmental sensitivities;  and chronic headache of unknown etiology.

Serum antibody testing for specific food allergies provides a more precise diet but if food allergy testing can't be done for some reason this diet is a good place to start.

The diet is low lactose, low fat, gluten free and usually well tolerated.  A summary of the dietary guidelines is outline below.

The primary guidelines are:

Diet Summary

Food Group



Meat, Fish, Poultry
  • Chicken, turkey, lamb
  • All legumes, dried peas and lentils 
  • Cold-water fish such as salmon halibut and mackerel
Red meats, cold cuts, frankfurters, sausage, canned meats, egg
Dairy Products
  • Unsweetened, live-culture yogurt
  • Milk substitutes such as rice milk, nut milks, and soy beverages
Milk, cheese, ice-cream, cream, non-dairy creamers
Starch White or sweet potato, rice, tapioca, buckwheat and gluten-free products All gluten-containing products, including gluten-containing pasta
Soups Clear, vegetable-based broth, homemade vegetarian soups Canned or cream soups
Vegetables All vegetables, preferably fresh, frozen or freshly juiced Creamed or in casseroles
Beverages Unsweetened fruit or vegetable juices, water, non-citrus herbal tea Milk, coffee, tea, cocoa, Postum®, alcoholic beverages, soda pop, sweetened beverages, citrus
Bread/Cereals Any made from rice, corn, buckwheat, millet, soy, potato flour, tapioca, arrowroot or gluten-free flour based products All made from wheat, oat, spelt, kamut, rye, barley, amaranth, quinoa, or gluten-containing products
Fruits Unsweetened fresh, frozen, or water-packed, canned fruits - excluding citrus and strawberries Fruit drinks, ades, citrus, strawberries, dried fruit
Fats/Oils/Nuts Cold/expeller pressed, unrefined, canola, flax, olive or sunflower oils, ghee, sunflower, sesame, flax, pumpkin, squash seeds/butters, salad dressings made from allowed ingredients, almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts Margarine, shortening, unclarified butter, refined oils, peanuts, salad dressings and spreads

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