

Fibromyalgia & Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome 
Except as noted, all content © copyright, Devin S. Starlanyl, 1995-1997
(author of Fibromyalgia & Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome - A Survivor's Guide)


This site describes two related diseases, Fibromyalgia, and, Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

These conditions are clearly clinical disorders, and as they share symptoms with so many other disorders, currently among the most mis-diagnosed of ailments.

We hope that this information will help people to get more information about these diseases to better their chances of improved diagnosis and therapy.

A collection compiled by Sheri Rose Graber

Includes the following:

FIBROMYALGIA Information And Resources

CFS isn't the only illness with widespread muscle and joint pain, intense fatigue and disturbed sleep patterns.  The American College of Rheumatology, in Atlanta, estimates that a similar condition, fibromyalgia, afflicts between three million and six million Americans, the vast majority of them women of childbearing age.  Typically, patients with fibromyalgia have widespread chronic achiness and/or certain areas that are exquisitely painful to the touch. These "tender points" occur within muscles, tendons or joints, distinguishing them from arthritis pain, which affects only the joints. They are clustered around the neck, shoulders, chest, hips, knees and elbows. Patients with fibromyalgia may also suffer periodic bouts of irritable bowel syndrome, marked by constipation and diarrhea, as well as severe, recurrent headaches.

Information provided on this web site is for informational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for a professional medical opinion. If you have questions about a medical problem please contact your doctor.

Help write a book about Fibromyalgia patients!

Donna Souza, a fellow FMS patient, is compiling ideas, suggestions and information from FMers in an effort to write a book to help others. All information will be kept confidential -- no names will be mentioned, only ideas. Fill out an online survey or find out how to e-mail comments to her at


Hello, I'm Joy, a fellow Fibromyalgia survivor. Here you'll find great resources, support and links to other fibro sites. The purpose of this site is to bring information to FMS people. I promote a positive attitude and humor in dealing with FMS. If you are looking for a "whiners" club, you will not find it here. Please email me anytime with questions, your experiences, or just to hook up with another understanding PWFMS (person with fibromyalgia syndrome). Check out my Pen Pals page, too!

And please don't miss all the remarkably great links to other FMS and related syndromes sites on my FMS Links page. If I put all the great info there is about FMS at my site, it would take up a good part of the Net.  There are experts out there to help you in the areas of sleep, medications, disability issues, alternative therapies, etc. Please check them out and add these great sites to your bookmarks.

(Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I mention specific products because they work for me. I receive no financial compensation from any company.)


A comprehensive listing of informational sources on fibromyalgia, for both doctors and patients.

Fibromyalgia -- A Physician's Guide   David A. Nye MD, 14Dec96

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