“The Pain from Someplace Else”

Myofascial Pain and Trigger Point Therapy

3 Hours Continuing Education

Carolyn McMakin, M.A.,D.C.

Private Practice
Portland, Oregon

Physiology of Trigger Points

Latent trigger points: Biopsies of latent trigger points stained appropriately showed accumulation of fine fat droplets in the muscle cells.

Active trigger points: Biopsies showed fat dusting and mild dystrophic changes.  The muscle fibers were variable in width, and stain uptake, and contained increased numbers of nuclei inside and outside the muscle fibers.

Vigorously Active trigger points: More severe dystrophic pathology has been demonstrated by electron microscope:

Four Stages in the degenerative Process:

  1. Mitochondria are swollen.  Myofilaments are moth-eaten in the I-band where actin attaches to the Z line, which marks the end of the sarcomere.
  2. Myofilament destruction included A bands (myosin). Z bands are intact.
  3. Disrupted sarcomere remnants are scattered but recognizable.
  4. Complete destruction of contractile substance with fine granular residue within the sarcolemma. Accumulations of collagen appear in the area of necrosis.

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