I was thinking about doing a page
of poetry to add to "the Work of Dravon"
... but I wasn't sure.  And then I came
across this poem and I knew I had
to post it.  It is not of my work
but a fellow wiccan like myself.


Searching for answers

I had nothing... So I prayed...
No one answered... So I strayed...

I was loney... so I searched far and wide.
I found the earth... and I could not be denied.

I was loved... so I was scared...
I had answers... So I shared...

I was hated... So I cryed...
I was given hate for my love... so I lied...

I was scared... So I prayed...
They gave me love... So I stayed...

I was loved... and I was glad...
I diddn't need the hate...
and I got more then they ever had...

Author:  wiccanpunk@hotmail.com
His site: The Anti-Ignorance Wicca Page

To me that poem sounds like the life of every
teen wiccan.  And that is why I like it so much
because it relates to many.

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