"The Trilateral Commission: Wealthy White Supremacy"

by Muada Shakur

What is the Trilateral Commission? The Trilateral Commission is a private group of corporate, government, and banking officials who have organized based on economic cooperation between 3 regions: U.S.A., Western Europe, and Japan to economically rule the rest of the world.

Originally in 1972 the beginning membership consisted of 60 members in each region (666). The key financial institutions and corporations have Trilateral Commission members on their executive boards. Commission members are also well represented in the executive branch of government and the Federal Reserve, including Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, and former chairman Paul Volkner.

In it's own words the Trilateral Commission statement of purpose in "The Industrialized Democratic Regions in a Changing International System", says the TC is a policy making organization. And that it does "formulate and propose policies which the regions and the nations within the regions could follow"....

The 4th annual report of the Trilateral Commission of Oct. 1977 p.11 advocates TC use of "men and women of sufficient standing to influence opinion leaders both public and private in favor of the commission recommendations".

Some members are tapped for their influence in certain communities. This seems to be the case for some of the black members. For their influence on the opinions of black people, membership in a private group of international bankers allows them upward mobility in society. These are the moderate leaders that the rich whites praise and promote as a leader for black people.

Sigma Pi Phi, also known as the Boule', has served this function since it started the societies of black Greeks in 1904 in Philadelphia. The Boule' is a secret society of moderate upper-class black men. Malcom X, not knowing the name of it, referred to them as the "Big Six". The Boule' was well represented at the Million Man March. Which turned out to be a giant voter registration drive.

In the study, the "American Dilemma" by Gunnar Myrdal, financed by the Carnegie Corp., the study dealt with race relations around WW II. It was this study that became the basis for the decision in Brown vs. the Board of Education that allowed integration of the schools. In chapter 34 "Accommodating Leadership", it reads "The white caste has an obvious interest in trying to have accommodating leaders to help them control the Negro group." .."whites are more and more compelled to attempt to influence the Negro masses indirectly. For this they need liaison agents in the persons of Negro leaders". "They have an interest in helping those leaders obtain as much prestige and influence in the Negro community as possible - as long as they (leaders) cooperate with the whites faithfully."

Trilateral Negroes were at the Million Man March speaking to a sea of Black men, though important and greatly respected elements of the grassroots voice could not share the stage like Dr. Khalid Muhammad or Steve Cokely. Both of whom have had their differences with the Nation of Islam in the past. It is true we all have differences from time to time. But a Day of Atonement that embraces all of our talents and all of our fields of scholarship despite the differences, surely would have included Cokely and Khalid as well. It would have been an example for all the brothers to follow. So much for atonement.

Trilateral Negroes Charlie Rangel, Kurt Schmoke (also Boule), and Council on Foreign Relations member Jessie Jackson, who were invited to speak at MMM, not only have no relationship to the brother on the street but those Negroes should have been the first to atone for their relationship with the rich whites past and present. It was an opportunity to tell us what the commission and CFR plans are or they could have told us that there was such a group. Since they did neither I have to assume their loyalty is to the establishment. And because they had no relationship with the brothers, they were invited in an attempt to establish one. The spirit of all my brothers at the MMM is worthy of praise, except for the homo crowd that showed up.

The spirit of our brothers shows many of us want to change the conditions and circumstances under which Black people live. That spirit should not be exploited!

The Trilateral Commission was created in 1972 by David Rockefeller at the urging of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor. Carter was one of the original members. It was in the spring of 1972 that W. Michael Blumenthal, who was at that time the chairman of the Bendix corp., Treasurer of the Rockefeller fund, and sec. of the Treasury from 1977-79, brought the idea to the floor of the Bilderberg meeting where it gained wide and influential backing and approval.

Then in July 23-24,1972, a planning group for the Trilateral Commission was held at Rockefellers estate in Pocantico Hills, in Tarrytown, N.Y. Some of the 17 participants included C. Fred Bergsten- senior fellow at Brookings institute, Robert Bowie- Professor of International Affairs at Harvard, McGeorge Bundy- then Pres. of the Ford Foundation, Bayless Manning- then Pres. of CFR, Henry Owen- Dir. of Foreign Policy programming at Brookings Institution.

The founding session of he Commission's executive committee was held in Tokyo, Oct. 20-23, 1973. By then Brzezinski had already been appointed as director, for it was Brzezinski who called for "a community of developed nations" composed of U.S.A., Western Europe and Japan in his book "Between 2 Ages: America's Role In the Technetronic Era". A technetronic society is defined by Brzezinski as "a society that is shaped culturally, psychologically, socially, and economically by the impact of technology and electronics- particularly in the area of computers and communications" .(pg.9)

There are key links and interlocks between the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. Most TC members are also members of the CFR. TC founder and Honorary chairman David Rockefeller is also Honorary chairman of the CFR. Council director Zbigniew Brzezinski was also director of the TC and still on it's executive committee. It was Brzezinski who organized the Tripartite studies in December of 1971 through the Brookings Inst., that inspired David Rockefeller to found the Trilateral Commission based on the studies findings. Brzezinski also sat on the CFR's committee on studies which was the prime influence in establishing the CFR's "1980's Project." Like the Trilateral Commission, the 1980's Project sought to create a new global political and economic system to replace the existing one.

The first publication of the CFR's 1980's Project was "The Management of Interdependence; A Preliminary View" by Miriam Camps, a senior research fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Camps headed a CFR study group on the subject between 1971-73. Key roles were played in the 1980's Project by members of this CFR study group such as William Diebold Jr., Richard Cooper, Joseph Nye, and Stanely Hoffmann. Richard Cooper and Joseph Nye were tapped for membership in the Trilateral Commission.

Camp's book called for "Collective Management" of this new international system and that this system requires leadership, "steering", and planning. Like the Trilateral Commission, the 1980's Project also advocates the U.S.A, W. Europe, and Japan to take the leadership role in a collective leadership capacity of the so-called advanced, developed, and industrial nations. This is the so-called international community spoken of by leaders and politicians. The international community consists of trilateral nations only, namely the U.S., W. Europe, and Japan. It is projected that cooperation between the trilateral nations would create such a great power that it would pull on the economy of the rest of the world, resulting in a one world economy, with the trilateral community controlling the money. It is no coincidence that the CFR 1980's project and the TC solutions are one and the same since they created the problem in order to impose the solution. Which in reality was actually the plan all along.

The 1980's Project and the TC interlock through W. Michael Blumenthal, Joseph Nye, Bruce Maclaury, Richard Cooper, and Samuel P. Huntington. Initial funding for the 1980's Project's work came from the Ford Foundation, Lilly Endowment, Mellon Foundation, and Rockefeller Foundation, donating over $1 million. The Trilateral Commission funding also came from the Ford Foundation-$500,000, the Lilly Endowment-$300,000, and he Rockefeller Brother's Fund-$150,000. Other funding came from the Kettering Foundation-$40,000, the Thyssen Foundation-$94,978, and General Motors.

Another link between the 1980's Project and the Trilateral Commission is the concern with the governability of democracy as a problem. In the "Imperial Brain Trust" by Laurence Shoupe and William Minter, their research shows the 1980's Project's desire to "limit" democracy and equality." As if it wasn't limited enough already. This ruling class shows here they are not confident unless the deck is completely stacked in their favor.

A Trilateral Commission study published in October 1975 called the "Crisis of Democracy", called for limited democracy and suggests that too much education led to the political awareness of the 60's. This political awareness of ones rights causes the people to hold politicians accountable for their actions. This causes demands on the ruling classes that they are unwilling to meet. Their solution is to stop educating the children so that they never grow politically aware enough to make demands for their rights or to hold their political leaders accountable. The average American citizen has very little understanding of the political and economic processes that take place and for which they pay taxes. Let alone the ruling classes behind those processes which we're discussing now.

Children are being told that the key to success and the solution to the ills of their lives is to stay in school and get an education. A solution given by the very ones who created the problem, which guarantees the problem will never be solved if you rely on the solution that they offer you. Proof of certification in certain job skills is generally all that is being taught now. This qualifies students for jobs in corporate America, creating a more skilled labor force. The big multinational corporations and banks are saying they don't give a damn students are aware of their rights or not as long as we have to hire them they better have job skills when they get out of school. The corporations don't want them so politically aware they'll create demands on their employer. The corporations believe the schools can be used to start teaching them not to do that when the students get into in the job market. But being qualified doesn't guarantee employment.

The owners of the corporations are represented by the Trilateral Commission. The key University presidents are members also with many interlocking boards of directorships in Universities and corporations. You may have noticed alot more money today is being invested in the public schools from the Business community.

The TC "Crisis of Democracy" concludes that in order to impose the Trilateral system on the U.S., there has to be less political participation in politics and education is to blame for past political participation. This would lead to demands from the government and ruling classes that are not in line with Trilateral and Council aims. From page 110 of the Crisis of Democracy:

" The single most important variable affecting political participation and attitudes is education. For several decades the level of education in the U.S. has been rising rapidly."... "The more educated a person is, the more likely he is to participate in politics, to have a more consistent and more ideological outlook on political issues, and to hold more "enlightened" or "liberal" or "change oriented" views on social, cultural, and foreign policy issues. Consequently the democratic surge could be the reflection of a more highly educated populace."

..."some of the problems of governance in the U.S. stem from an excess of democracy." ..."Needed instead, is a greater degree of moderation in democracy." (pg.113 "Crisis of Democracy")

On page 115 of this study, education and democracy are viewed as some sort of National Security threat. "The vulnerability of democratic government in the U.S. thus comes not primarily from external threats, though such threats are real, nor from internal subversion from the left or the right,.... but rather from the internal dynamics of democracy itself in a highly educated, mobilized, and participant society."

The cultural and social activity of Black people in the 60's is seen as a special threat. The TC solution is recommended on page 111 to decrease Black activity, that solution is still being used. "Black political participation, in short, was the product not of increased individual status but rather of increased group consciousness. That political participation will remain high as long as their group consciousness does. A decline in the saliency of school integration, welfare programs, law enforcement, and other issues of special concern to Blacks will at some point presumably be accompanied by a decline in their group consciousness and hence their political participation."

From a global perspective, the so-called 3rd world is seen as a threat. This threat is the reality behind the myth of what is called the population explosion. Too many dark people in poor so-called lesser developed countries, could cause a problem for western powers to continue having access to strategic resources. More people means less food and less money to circulate. This causes political dissatisfaction and social disorder. Colonialism and neocolonialism have strangled so-called LDC (lesser developed countries) independence, leaving the poor dependent on Trilateral nations for enough food, technology, and money to survive. Food has become a major weapon used to force a country into submission to Trilateral world dictators.