Who is the Boule'?

Actually Malcom X had a theory about this group only he referred to it as the "Big 6". The Boule, alias Sigma Pi Phi, was the first of the Black Greek letter fraternities and all others are under it. It was established in 1904 in Philadelphia by a man named Henry Minton.(History of Sigina Pi Phi by Charles Wesley) All Sigma Pi Phi members are college degreed upperclass bourgeoisie negroes thoroughly endoctrinated into being better than the rest of us underclass niggers. They refer to themselves as the inner circle of our race and their mission is to perpetuate the lie that Greece gave the world civilization to cut us off from our true heritage, using college educated Blacks.

You see, it became very important for whites in charge of national security as well as wealthy whites to offer to Blacks a prototype of leadership and success to aspire to. The paid leader can then be pitted against any true leadership that may develop. As in the case of Marcus Garvey, which they were successful in having deported. Garvey was not paid for but went on to mint his own currency. No Black man in the U.S. has since accomplished that. Frank Snowden, a Howard University scholar, has been attacking afrocentrism as false and holds Greece up as the birthplace of civilization and knowledge. He had the nerve to tell this big lie in his commencement address at the University of Maryland in 1993.

A significant story broke in the Memphis commercial Appeal 3/21/93 about the "Army Spy Network" dating back as far as 1977, On May 3, 1911 the Secretary of war Newton D. Baker(CFR) ordered Lt. Ralph Von Deman to set up a Black intelligence unit to monitor "negro unrest". It was interesting to observe how the Black press, which is dominated by Boule members, handled the story and how the Memphis paper handled it. Jet-4/5/93 John Johnson (Boule'); Emerge editor George Curry(Boule'); Black Enterprise-Earl Graves(Boule') .

The spy unit was dominated by Boule members which could account for why the story looked so different in the Black press. Emerge ran a good story on Clifton Wharton former Secretary Deputy of State (CFR)(BOULE') and trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation (Feb. 4,1994) of course George Curry didn't mention that in the story. Clifton Wharton, recently hosted a boule convention at which the only whiteman in the room was David Rockefeller. Other references to the spy story: Nation 5/3/93; U.S. News a World Report 4/5/93.

Army Intelligence had to recruit negroes who they felt could be trusted and most were Boule. Newton D. Bakers' special asst., Emmit Scott(Boule') was key to the mission. His job was getting Blackmen to forget about being lynched and go fight in the war for the lyncher. He was a good spy. Instead of being kicked out for being a spy against his people, the Boule made him Grand Sire Archon in the group.

The Virginia Chapter of the Sigma Pi Phi Alpha Beta Boule' was founded in 1941 at the Maggie Walker high school through J.H.A.B. Evans and William Thompkins. Founding Officer was Arthur P. Davis-VUU; Wylie H. Hall-VUU; C.C. Cook; James Cegar-VUU; J. Alvin Russell; Rayford W. Logan Ph.D. Harvard; Jonh M. Gandy; Gordon B. Handcock-M.A. Harvard; Rebert P. Daniel-VUU.