It's Gotta' Be The Guys!!!!!! =]

Seriously, there are a LOT of good looking guys competing. It can get slightly hard to concentrate when the opposition's a hottie. ;-) Of course, there are lots of cute chicks too. (Like myself.=]) However, since I like guys... they're what keep me hooked. TRUST me when I say this is only a VERY small sample. I have more pictures I'm planning to post and who knows? Maybe I'll put up a page of cute chicks for the guys to drool over. (Fair's fair, you know!)

Oh yeah, a couple of slight warnings... I'm not puting any of MY OWN teammates here because.. well.. it would just feel weird for one, and also, if I wanted to gawk at them, I could do it without leaving town. ;-) Secondly, I'm not saying I'm especially attraced to any /all of the guys here, I wanted to post a lot of different types in order to please themost people. To be honest, there ARE a few I'm attracted to (though only ONE I've kissed... if you want to guess, email me at I'm curious who anyone thinks it might be...) but on the whole, they're just good looking guys. =] ENJOY!!

(Hit your "back" button to return to where you came from ;-))