The Graveyard

This is The Graveyard ! The place where I keep my bios on all the cast members that have died on the show . Lots more people have died on the show than what I have here , I just didn't list them all . I only listed the really important ones . I have written a little summary on all of them , but some are not as long as the others . And I tried to get a picture of all of them , but I couldn't , so once again , sorry !

Jennifer Calendar
Jennifer Calendar a.k.a. Jenny as he friends call her , was the school's computer/science teacher . She was a Gypsy , a member of the family that put the curse on Angel . Her and Giles were a couple , until' Angel's curse was lifted . One night in the episode 'Passion' she was working late trying to find the cure to restore Angel's soul . She found it , and He showed up and killed her before she could tell anyone about it. And I don't know about all you people but she will be deeply missed by me. I loved her.

Kendra The Vampire Slayer
Yes as confusing as it is , Kendra is also a Vampire Slayer . She was called to Sunnydale after Buffy died (in 'Prophecy Girl) . Drusilla killed her in the episode 'Becoming , Part1' By Taking control of her mind , then slitting her throat .

The Master

The Master was the most powerful vampire there was . In the episode 'Prophecy Girl' Giles read these signs that The Master was going to raise , and that Buffy had to face The Master , and she would die . Well Buffy did go fight him , but he was no match for her , he finally bit her , and then dropped her into a pool of water . Angel and Xander showed up , and Xander revived her using CPR . She got up , and went and killed The Master , by throwing him thru the Library's window onto a huge spike that went all the way thru him. Then in the episode 'When She Was Bad' The Annointed One and another vampire dug up The Master's bones , and was going to bring him back to life , but Buffy stopped them , and then took a sledge hammer , and crushed The Master's bones into tiny little pieces . Now he is here in the Graveyard for good , I certianly hope so.
Darla was the vampire that made Angelus a vampire in Galway , 1753 . They were partners in crime and killing for years . Then when he met Drusilla , he backed away from Darla which mad her very mad . Then when Angel got his soul back and was going with Buffy , Darla came back for him . She attacked Buffy , But Angel showed up . He killed her . She was about 400 and some years old , I don't know exactly . She was The Master's favorite .

The Annointed One

He is a little kid , but don't be fooled by his appearence . He has power over the rest of them , they will do anything for him . He died in the episode 'School Hard' . He made the mistake of not likeing Spike , and Spike killed him by placing him in the sunlight .

Ampata,Inca Princess
She was a beautiful Inca princess , who was really a mummy who had to suck the life out of people to stay alive . She and Xander fell in love with each other , and she wanted to be with him , but she had to suck the life out of him . Buffy showed up and started fighting her , then she just fell to the floor for no reason at all , and turned to dust . The Gang later figuared out that her life time without sucking people's life exsposed before she could suck the life out of Xander .

Billy Fordham
Billy Fordham a.k.a. Ford as Buffy calls him , went to school with Buffy back in Los Angeles . He came to Sunnydale because his dad got a new job here . He found out that Buffy was the Slayer , and that night went to Spike's Factory and offered him a trade , Spike makes him a vampire , and He gives Spike the Slayer . Spike accepts . Spike and Drusilla go to where Ford told them to meet him and Buffy , and some other people who were going to be changed too . Buffy knocks out Ford , once she figured out what he was doing , and grabbed Drusilla with a stake held at her heart . She told Spike to let all the people go , and he did . Then she threw Dru at him , and ran out the door , locking it behind her . Ford wakes up to find him and all the other vampires locked in the basement . He tells Spike that he did his job , so he should get his reward . Spike and Drusilla just look at him . Then they cut to later that night , Buffy goes back in and finds Ford dead .

Principal Flutie
There is not much to tell about Flutie . He was the school's principal til' the episode 'The Pack' . When The Pack ate the school's mascot , Flutie called them into his office . Xander was with Buffy during this scene . Flutie tried to punish the pack , but they ate him . And that was the end of that principal , now he is here .

The Judge
A demon brought forth to rid the earth of humanity , separate the righteous from the evil , and to burn the evil down . They call him The Judge . An Army was sent against him , most of them died , but finally they were able to dismember him , but not kill him . The pieces were scattered , buried in every corner of the earth . It was written that no weapon fordged could kill him . Spike and Drusilla sent vampires out to gather all the pieces , and they did . They reassembled The Judge , and took him to the mall to get people . meanwhile the gang is at the library trying to figure out how to kill it . Xander uses his memory from when he was a solider on Halloween to sneak into an old army base , and steal a huge rocket launcher . He decided that even if no weapon fordged could kill him , that was way before today's technology . Buffy showed up at the mall and shot him , exploding him to pieces . The Gang gathered up all the pieces , but I'm not sure what they did with them .

Ted appeared in the episode 'Ted' . He was Buffy's mom's boyfriend . Buffy never liked him from the start , she knew something was wrong with him . Him and Buffy got into lots of fights , and he threatened her . One night in her room , he slapped her , so she punched him back , then he punched her knocking her to the ground . He went over and started chokeing her . She got to her feet , and kicked him . Buffy's mom came into the room just then . Buffy continued to kick and punch him as her mom was yelling at her to stop , but she didn't listen to her . She kicked him down the stairs , and he landed hard on his back . Buffy's mom ran over to him , and looked at him carefully . Then turned back to Buffy and said "You killed him." Buffy just stared . Later on in the episode he came back for her , and Buffy found out that he was a robot . Then she really killed him .

In the episode 'I,Robot-You,Jane' Moloch was a centuries old demon who killed many people , then a couple of people placed him inside this book . Well The book made it's way to Sunnydale , and Willow scanned it onto a computer , releasing the demon . Moloch started an online relationship with Willow over the internet . But when Willow found out who is really was she broke-up with him , but he loved her , and wanted to keep her . Buffy showed up and electricuted him , and he died .

Miss French
Miss French was a sub teacher for Xander in the episode 'Teacher's Pet'. They fell in love . He was over at her place one night , and he found out that he was a giant praying mantise . She was going to mate with him , to make eggs , and then hatch them . The only problem was when praying mantises mate , the female kills the male . But Buffy got there in time to save him . She killed Miss French .

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